Page 11 of For Us

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"Understood," Steve replied, his voice heavy with the weight of the task at hand. "I'll be ready for her when she arrives."

"Thanks, Steve." With a click, Morgan ended the call and quickly turned her attention to finding Roger Walter.

Morgan's footsteps echoed through the empty backstage halls as she navigated the labyrinthine passageways of the concert hall. Her jaw clenched in frustration, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with Roger Walter. The lies, the evasiveness… it all added up to someone with something to hide.

She stormed back into the main hall, where the body was, along with most of the personnel, including Derik, who was directing the crime scene investigators.

Morgan stormed right up to Derik. "Where's Roger Walter?"

"Left," Derik replied, nonchalantly. "Said he had some business to take care of. His secretary is printing the list you asked for."

"Dammit, Greene!" Morgan snapped, her controlled demeanor slipping for a moment. "How could you let him leave? We're not done with him!"

"Chill, Cross," Derik defended himself, holding up his hands. "He'd already given us everything we needed. Besides, he asked to go, and I didn't see any reason to hold him back."

"Every reason!" she fumed, clenching her fists. But she knew better than to waste time arguing with Derik right now. Time was of the essence.

Without another word, Morgan stormed off in search of the elusive Roger Walter. Her footsteps echoed on the polished marble floors of the concert hall, her heels clicking like a metronome counting down the seconds. The lingering scent of expensive perfume mingled with the faintest whiff of decay, a stark reminder of the twisted horrors hidden beneath the elegant façade.

Her gaze narrowed as she spotted the front desk, where a prim secretary sat, typing away at her computer. Morgan approached her, her voice sharp and insistent. "I'm Special Agent Cross with the FBI. I need to know where Roger Walter went. Now."

The secretary looked up, startled by Morgan's intensity. She hesitated, glancing around nervously before answering. "Uh, I think he left for the day. Said something about Fort Worth…"

"Damn it," Morgan muttered, her heart pounding in her chest. Roger was slipping through their fingers, and she couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something crucial. She needed to find him – fast.

"Listen," Morgan continued, leaning in closer to the secretary and locking eyes with her. "I need you to tell me everything you know about Roger Walter's whereabouts. Every detail matters."

The secretary swallowed hard, intimidated by Morgan's unwavering gaze. She knew better than to withhold information from the FBI. And so, she began to divulge what little she knew, hoping it would be enough to help Agent Cross find the elusive chairman.

"Where exactly did Roger go? I need specifics," Morgan demanded, her murky green eyes boring into the secretary's.

"Uh, he mentioned a concert hall in Fort Worth," the secretary stammered, hastily checking her notes. "He left about ten minutes ago. Said he'd be back in a few days."

"Ten minutes?" Morgan clenched her fists, her nails biting into her palms. She could feel her anger boiling just below the surface, threatening to spill over. She took a deep breath, trying to regain control. She had let him slip away, and now she was playing catch-up. Was it too late?

"Did he say where he was going before Fort Worth?" she pressed, her voice taut with urgency.

"Home, I think," the secretary replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "To pack some things."

Morgan's eyes darted to the clock on the wall. Ten minutes – ten minutes was all that separated her from Roger Walter. She couldn't let him get away, not when he held vital information to this case.

"Give me his address," Morgan demanded, blood pounding in her ears as adrenaline coursed through her veins.

The secretary hesitated for a moment before complying, quickly scribbling down an address on a slip of paper. Morgan snatched it from her fingers, her mind working in overdrive as she strategized her next move. She needed to act fast.

"Thank you," she muttered, already turning on her heel and striding towards the exit. Each step felt like a race against time, as if the fate of the investigation hung in the balance.

"Hey, Morgan!" Derik called out, jogging over to her with a look of concern etched across his face. "What's going on? You look like you're about to jump out of your skin."

"Roger got away," she spat, frustration simmering beneath her words. "He left ten minutes ago, and I have a sinking feeling that if we don't catch up to him, we'll never find out the truth."

"I don't understand, Cross, why is he a suspect now?"

"He lied about the last time he saw Amy, Derik," Morgan said. "The janitor heard them arguing yesterday, but Roger said he hadn't seen her since the day before."

Derik's eyes widened, and he nodded in understanding. "What can I do?"

"Send a team to his house," Morgan instructed, her voice firm and unwavering. "I'm going after him myself. We need to cover all our bases."
