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"What kind of instructions?" Carlo pressed, his gaze unwavering. "Tell us everything, or you'll face the consequences."

The captive hesitated, his eyes darting nervously around the room.

"We were told to meet at the abandoned warehouse by the docks," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's where he's been conducting his operations lately."

My heart quickened at the revelation, my mind already mapping out the logistics of our next move.

"Good," Carlo nodded, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Now, you better hope you're telling the truth, or you'll regret it."

I stepped forward, my expression a blend of determination and restraint.

"Thank you for your cooperation," I stated, my voice firm yet laced with an underlying edge. "Ci assicureremo che tu ti prenda cura di te(We'll make sure you're taken care of.)”

In a swift motion, I raised my gun and fired a single shot, silencing the captive before he could relay any information about our next move to Luigi.

Gathering my trusted lieutenants, we strategized with a single-minded focus, aware of the risks and challenges that lay ahead. We meticulously devised a plan, capitalizing on the element of surprise and leveraging our tactical advantage to ensure a swift and decisive strike against our adversaries.

The tension was palpable as we geared up for the showdown.

Chapter 41


Isettledintotheplush armchair, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of Emilio's safety. My mother, who had been observing my restless demeanor, finally broached the subject, her concern etched across her features.

"What's going on? Why were all those cars following you earlier?"

I offered her a strained smile, attempting to ease her worries while grappling with my apprehensions.

"It's just a precaution, Mom," I reassured her, my voice tinged with a hint of unease. "I've been dealing with some complicated matters lately."

She nodded understandingly, her gaze softening as she reached out to clasp my hand in hers.

"You know you can always confide in me, right?" she murmured, her eyes searching mine for any signs of reluctance.

I hesitated, the weight of my concealed truths pressing heavily upon me. Despite my lingering frustrations at her previous silence, I knew that my mother had her reasons for keeping certain details from me.

With a resigned sigh, I decided it was time to let her in on the events that had unfolded in my life.

I told my mom everything about Emilio and the whole mafia mess, how it was all dangerous and complicated. Her face changed from worry to surprise as I spilled the beans about the power struggles and shady dealings.

I didn't hold back about my relationship with Emilio either, how we'd fallen for each other despite the chaos around us. And when I dropped the bomb that I was pregnant, my mom's jaw practically hit the floor, a mix of shock and concern written all over her face.

As I spoke, I noticed her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap, her gaze never wavering from mine.

I finished recounting the series of events that had led to Emilio's current predicament, and a somber silence hung heavily in the air. Reaching out, I gently squeezed my mother's hand, seeking comfort and understanding in her presence.

"Griselda, you need to leave Emilio," my mother said with urgency, her voice tinged with concern.

I was taken aback.

"What?" I exclaimed, unable to comprehend her sudden insistence.

She stood up, facing me directly, her hands grasping my forearms.

"Nothing good ever comes out of those involved in the mafia. You know that," she implored, her eyes brimming with worry.

I felt a surge of frustration.
