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What if she won't listen? What if she refuses to give me a chance to explain? The very thought twisted my gut into knots. I couldn't bear the idea of losing her trust, of seeing disappointment in her eyes, of having her turn away from me.

The sound of the door opening made me freeze in my tracks. I turned towards it, my heart in my throat. Enzo walked in, and for a moment, I held my breath. Then I saw her. Griselda, standing there, looking both pained and upset.

My eyes zeroed in on her, making everything else fade into the background. The soft glow of the room's lights highlighted her features, painting her with a gentle warmth.

She was here.

It had been several days since I had last seen her, but it felt like it had been years. I took a step forward, my feet almost moving of their own accord.

She turned towards me, and our eyes locked. Her hazel gaze held a mixture of emotions— surprise, apprehension, maybe even a flicker of relief, but most of all, anger.

It was a whirlwind of feelings, and I didn't know where to start.

"Griselda," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, the tumult within me a stark contrast to the hushed tones. "I... I know this is a lot to take in, and I understand if you're angry."

Her expression twisted with a mixture of confusion, frustration, and perhaps disbelief.

And then, without warning, her hand swung, and the sharp sting of her palm meeting my cheek jolted through me.

Stunned silence filled the room, freezing the air.

Enzo's face shifted, his eyes burning with a protective fervor, but I held out a hand. I knew he wanted to retaliate, to defend me, but I shook my head subtly, signaling for him to hold back. This was something I had anticipated, something I had braced myself for.

I met Griselda's gaze, her eyes flashing with fire. The throbbing sensation in my cheek was nothing compared to the ache in my heart, realizing the pain I had caused her. The breach of trust must have driven her to act out.

My hand gently touched the spot where her slap had landed, and my fingers cool against the lingering warmth on my cheek.

"I deserved that," I admitted, my voice calm.

Griselda took a step back, her surprise at her actions apparent. Her features contorted as if struggling with the aftermath of her impulsive act.

"I... I'm sorry," she stammered, regret filling her eyes. "I just—"

"It's okay," I interrupted gently. "I expected this reaction. I understand your anger."

My calm demeanor seemed to ease some of her worry. But behind that understanding, I felt the weight of the moment. This was a test, a crucible that would define what lay ahead for us. I had made a choice, and now it was up to Griselda to decide if she could accept it.

"I need you to know that every step I took, every decision I made, was to protect you," I explained, my tone sincere, the honesty of my words laid bare.

"I know it was a breach of trust, and I can't apologize enough for that. But, Griselda, you have become very precious to me, and that drove me to do whatever it took to keep you safe."

She listened, her eyes searching mine. It was a fragile moment, the outcome uncertain. My heart beat erratically, the anticipation clawing at my chest.

Finally, she nodded, a slight easing of her tensed shoulders evident.

"I need time to process all of this," she admitted, her voice wavering. "But I'm willing to hear you out."

Relief washed over me as Griselda's initial anger seemed to dissipate, replaced by a more measured, albeit cautious, stance.

"I understand why you're upset. This situation is far from ideal, and I regret that you had to be dragged into it.” I apologized again.

Griselda remained wary, her eyes still holding a glint of suspicion.

"There were men who came to the hotel looking for me,” I proceeded cautiously. She gave the slightest nod, acknowledging my words. "They won't hesitate to harm anyone close to me." I watched her carefully, gauging her reaction.

She seemed to digest this information, her expression composed. "So, you’re worried that they’ll come after me?”

"Yes," I affirmed.
