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“So, where will I be staying?” I asked, blinking hard. “And what about my things?”

"We'll pick up your things tomorrow," he assured me, leading me through his luxurious penthouse.

The sleek modern design and the expansive views of the city left me momentarily breathless. It was a testament to Emilio's wealth and status, a fact that stirred a mix of awe and resentment within me.

My mind couldn't help but make a bitter remark, wondering if this affluence was predominantly built on the foundation of his illegal business dealings.

Emilio caught the flicker of skepticism in my eyes, the doubt woven into my expression. A subtle pang of sadness flickered across his features before he concealed it behind a neutral mask. I felt an unexpected wave of guilt, unsure why I was feeling bad for upsetting him.

Still, I couldn't help but voice my lingering suspicion.

"So, is all this... Royalty Rentals, a front for your other activities?" The words held a sharp edge, reflecting my internal conflict.

Emilio paused, glancing at me with deep emotion in his eyes.

"Whether you believe me or not, and I understand why you would doubt me, Royalty Rentals is a legitimate venture, and I genuinely am the CEO. Everything I've told you is the truth," he responded earnestly.

His words seemed sincere, and for a fleeting moment, I wanted to believe him.

Emilio stopped in front of a lavish door and turned the handle, revealing the space where I would be staying during my unplanned 'holiday'. As the door swung open, I stood there in stunned silence, captivated by the opulence before me.

The room was spacious and elegantly designed. Large windows revealed a breathtaking view of the city below. A king-sized bed with pristine white sheets was placed at the center, and adjacent to the bed was a luxurious en-suite bathroom equipped with modern fixtures and a shower enclosure.

As if this wasn't already impressive enough, my eyes widened as I ventured further. A walk-in closet awaited me, stocked with an array of clothes in various sizes. I glanced back at Emilio with confusion.

He explained, "I prepared some clothes here for you. I wasn’t sure of your size or preference so I got a variety of clothes in different sizes just to be sure."

Despite my efforts to be neutral toward him, my heart couldn't help but flutter at his considerate gesture.

"Thank you," I managed, my voice sounding slightly awkward.

"You can freshen up if you'd like. I'll be around if you need anything," he offered, stepping out of the room to give me space, and leaving me to process everything that had happened and that I had listened to.

Heaving a sigh, I allowed myself to fall back onto the plush bed, reveling in its softness. My thoughts, however, were far from relaxed. Emilio's revelations were still fresh in my mind.

The truth about Emilio's involvement with the mafia was like a jolt to my senses. It made me dizzy, and the implications were overwhelming. I couldn't help but think about the scars I had glimpsed on his body during our intimate encounter.

Images flashed through my mind - a world of crime, danger, and a life tainted with bloodshed. How many lives had he destroyed, or worse, taken?

My breath hitched at the thought. Could he have...? The idea was unsettling. The very notion that he was capable of such acts shook me to the core. The truth was that the criminal world came with inevitable casualties, and lives were extinguished for power, control, or even as a means to an end.

I sincerely hoped, deep in my heart, that Emilio's hands were clean. Despite the shock and anger, there was still a part of me that cared for him deeply.

If it turned out that he had taken lives, my decision was firm - regardless of the safety he wanted for me, I would sever all ties with him. No amount of danger could justify being with a murderer.

After making up my mind, I freshened up and changed into a set of the clothes provided. As I made my way back to the main area, I found Emilio engrossed in his phone at the island counter. He looked up as he heard my footsteps approaching, setting his phone aside.

"Hungry?" he offered, gesturing towards the kitchen.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts.

"I have a lot of questions," I replied calmly.

Emilio nodded, accepting my request. "Of course. Feel free to ask anything, and I'll answer truthfully."

As we sat down, I couldn't help but bring up the tiramisu my mother had packed for me. "My mother packed tiramisu," I mentioned, pointing to the dessert on the counter. "We could enjoy this while we talk."

Emilio's eyes lit up at the suggestion.
