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“And you are…?” I probed further.

The stranger adjusted his glasses and introduced himself, “Andrea, a friend of Emilio's.”

It was then that my eyes caught the small plastic bag in his hand.

"What's in the bag?" I inquired, attempting to bridge the gap of this unexpected encounter.

Andrea's gaze shifted to the bag momentarily before returning to meet mine.

"I brought some things for Emilio," he explained.

"Ah, I see," I replied, though a cloud of unanswered questions lingered. "And how exactly do you know me?"

He leaned casually against the doorframe, a smirk playing on his lips. "Emilio mentioned you."

The revelation was unexpected, and my interest was piqued.

"Oh? And what did Emilio say about me?" I asked, eager to understand this mysterious connection.

Andrea removed his glasses and started rubbing them clean with leisure. He seemed to revel in the intrigue, his smirk widening. "He cares about you a lot. More than I've seen him care about anyone else." He slipped his glasses back on.

A flush of warmth spread across my cheeks at those words. Andrea's observation left me both elated and introspective, thoughts whirling in my mind.

"Is that so?" I responded, doing my best to keep my composure despite the sudden surge of excitement that danced beneath my skin.

Andrea noticed, his smirk widening slightly as if he could see through my facade. It was unnerving the way he seemed to possess an uncanny ability to perceive what lay beneath the surface.

Before I could pose any further questions or peel back the layers of his enigmatic presence, Andrea glanced at his watch.

"I should get going," he remarked, his tone casual yet laced with a sense of purpose.

Nodding, I replied, "Of course. It was... nice meeting you, Andrea."

He smirked again, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Likewise. Take care, Griselda. I'm sure we'll meet again."

His words hung in the air as he turned to leave.

The mention of Emilio's feelings stirred a tempest of emotions within me. It was one thing to suspect the depth of his care for me, but hearing it from a person who knew him well added a layer of validation. It made my heart flutter with a mix of apprehension and delight.

As Andrea left, the apartment felt somehow quieter, more contemplative. I pondered the implications of this newfound revelation. Emilio's sentiments were now exposed, not just to me but to someone else as well. It signified a shift, an evolution in our relationship that I couldn't quite put into words.

The day continued, the sun painting shifting patterns on the walls as the hours passed. Despite the whirlwind of emotions and the lingering questions, life pressed on. It was a delicate balance, trying to reconcile my burgeoning feelings for Emilio with the complex world he was a part of.

The encounter with Andrea lingered in my thoughts.

How deep did Emilio's feelings run? How had our connection impacted him?

Chapter 22


Thecity'sunderbellypulsedwith a dark energy as the night swallowed the streets. My fingers tapped restlessly against the steering wheel of my car, the hum of the engine beneath me like a low growl.

The plan was set, and the pieces were in place. We were waiting for the predator to fall into our trap.

Beside me, Enzo adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on the nondescript building in front of us.

"This is it, Emilio. The perfect bait. Crino won't be able to resist."
