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"Yeah, yeah," I hurriedly replied, trying to conceal my astonishment. "It's just my mom calling. I should take this."

Enzo's eyes flickered to my phone, but he didn't say anything, for which I was grateful. My phone was still ringing, but as much as I wanted to pick it up, I didn't want to do it in the presence of Enzo.

He stood up and said, "I have to run. Lucas sent me a message. Got to check on a few things."

"Everything alright?" I asked, seeing him to the door, though I was hoping to answer the call quickly.

"Yeah, yeah," he assured as he left. "Take care, Griselda."

As soon as the door clicked shut behind Enzo, I grabbed my phone, its screen glowing with my mother's name. With a swift swipe, I answered, not wanting the call to go to voicemail.

"Mom?" I answered, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Griselda,” she began, sounding anxious. "It’s time I tell you the truth. When you're ready, come over."

I still couldn’t get her first phone call out of my head.

"Mom, why can't you just tell me now?" I pressed, a knot forming in my stomach.

Can you come over soon?"

She paused, and for a moment, the line crackled with uncertainty. Then, with a heavy sigh, she continued, "I'll explain everything when we meet. It's not safe to talk about it over the phone."

The mention of safety sent shivers down my spine. "Is something wrong, Mom? Are you in danger? Who's after you?"

Another pause, this one heavier, almost suffocating. “Can you come over soon, sweetheart?”

"But... what about Dad? Is he there with you?" It felt odd to say a word I had barely said throughout the years. I was practically calling someone I had never seen my dad.

I hesitated before finally asking, "Did he even bother to come and see you?"

A brief silence hung in the air before her response, and I could sense her uncertainty.

"No," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness and regret. "He hasn't."

An involuntary sound escaped me, a mixture of annoyance and realization. If he hadn't even bothered to visit her, then how did she know about him being back?

"How do you know he's back then?" I scoffed.

"I'll answer all your questions when we meet, face-to-face," she responded, her voice firm yet tinged with sorrow.

Then, abruptly, she hung up.

"What the heck?" I muttered to myself. This was the second time she had ended our conversation abruptly.

I dropped back onto the reclining chair behind me, feeling mentally drained and emotionally tangled.

I grabbed my phone, and I texted Avery, pouring out the recent twists in this unfolding drama. My fingers tapped against the screen:

The message flew off into the digital abyss, leaving a lingering sense of unease. Avery would be just as baffled by this as I was. I leaned back into the comfortable chair, awaiting a reply while my thoughts spun like a hamster on a treadmill.

Avery's reply popped up on my screen:

I quickly typed back, my thumbs flying across the screen:

Avery's reply came almost instantly.,
