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I was surprised. He had died so recently?

Enzo's brows furrowed in suspicion. "Oh, we're so sorry to hear that. How did he die? Was it in prison?" he inquired gently.

"He wasn't in prison. He was released a couple of months ago," Isabella explained.

My jaw dropped in astonishment. How was it possible that Fredrick had been released when he was convicted of murder? He was supposed to be serving his sentence, not walking free.

Isabella continued, explaining how she had been taken aback the day he suddenly appeared at her door. Upon questioning him, all he had been told was that the authorities had made a mistake in arresting him.

"That's unexpected. Do you know what he was up to after he got out?" Enzo asked, leaning forward with curiosity.

Isabella shook her head, her expression troubled. "Not much, to be honest. He seemed restless, always looking over his shoulder. He was constantly muttering about someone coming after him."

I leaned in, my interest piqued. "Did he mention who it might be or why they were after him?".

Isabella hesitantly began, her voice trembling slightly. "A few days before he... before he passed away, he was so panicky. Always looking over his shoulder, muttering to himself about being screwed." She paused, her gaze fixated on a distant point as if reliving the memory.

"I confronted him and demanded to know what was going on. That's when he told me something about the leader of the Esposito family being killed by someone else and how the new leader was eliminating weak links like him."

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. If the leader of the Esposito family had been killed, it could only mean one thing - my father was no more. My father, the leader of the Esposito family, was no more.

Enzo's worried gaze was fixed on me, but I struggled to summon any deep emotions. My relationship with my father was nonexistent, leaving me feeling disconnected from the news.

I leaned in, my curiosity and concern growing with each passing word.

"Did he ever mention the new leader's name to you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Isabella nodded solemnly. "Yes, he said it was Luigi Fiore."


A chill crept down my spine as I exchanged a glance with Enzo and saw that he was also just as baffled as I was.

Emilio’s uncle was the new leader of the Esposito family?!

We stepped back into the sleek penthouse, the weight of the newfound revelation heavy on my mind. How could Emilio's uncle be the turncoat within the Esposito family? Enzo and I exchanged concerned glances, silently processing the implications of Isabella's words.

"We have to tell Emilio," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

Enzo nodded solemnly. "I agree, and as soon as possible.”

Just as we were grappling with the implications of this new information, Enzo's phone abruptly shattered the heavy silence, its shrill ring cutting through the air. My thoughts scattered as I watched Enzo reach for the device, his expression guarded as he answered the call.

"Enzo here," he spoke into the phone, his tone crisp and businesslike.

I leaned against the nearby marble countertop, the cool surface providing a slight reprieve from the emotional whirlwind. It was surreal, almost unbelievable, that Emilio's uncle, a family member, could be involved in such treachery.

The complexity of mafia politics had always been beyond me, but this particular revelation shook the foundation of everything I thought I knew.

Enzo's voice grew quieter as he absorbed the information on the other end of the line. He glanced at me occasionally, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"What's going on?" I finally interjected, unable to contain my impatience.

Enzo's expression shifted, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "It's Emilio. He's called for a meeting. I need to go."

As Enzo made his way out of the penthouse, bidding me a quick farewell, his promise to inform Emilio about Luigi echoed in my mind. The revelation about my father's alleged demise and subsequent reemergence left me grappling with a mix of emotions.

The man I thought had been dead all my life was suddenly a secret presence, while the discovery of treachery within the mafia further blurred the lines between reality and the shadowy world of crime and deceit.
