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“Her story to tell,” Lyric replies cryptically, still toying with my desires. “I didn’t want Matty to find me,” he adds, avoiding my questions about his past. “He’s too good, too pure. He’s everything you said Milo is.”

I recall our conversation from the night before, realizing that Lyric overheard me talking to Desmond. “How did you—”

Lyric cuts me off. “Did I scare you?” he asks with a hint of wicked amusement, his fingers dancing over my other nipple.

My bratty side wants to ignore his questions, but I decide to be honest. “A little,” I admit, my voice trembling.

“Good,” he whispers, his finger trailing a fiery path across my sensitive skin. I can’t help but shift closer to him, my own desires awakening.

I listen to Lyric’s confession as our bodies entwine in the early morning light. “Matty wants to put men like me away,” he asserts with conviction, leaving me hungry for more of his dark, enticing secrets.

“I think you’re wrong,” I hiss, a shiver running through me as Lyric pinches my nipple in response to my disagreement. “Hear me out.”

He only hums, his actions conveying his impatience as he pushes me back against the mattress. Lyric rises over me, settling between my thighs, his sultry eyes roving over my body. His heated gaze settles on my straining bud as he hovers over my nipple, lapping at it with sensual determination.

“Talk, Charlotte,” he urges, nipping my nipple, causing my hips to rise involuntarily. My clit grinds against his stomach, tempting me to give in to the pleasure building within me, but I take a deep breath, determined to finish my point.

“Matty knows who you are, what you are,” I say, my voice trembling with desire. Lyric’s tantalizing attentions make it nearly impossible to focus on my words. “If you think about it, you’re on the same side, putting bad men away. He puts them behind bars, while you put them six feet underground.”

His lips latch onto my nipple, and I thread my fingers through his hair, unable to stifle my moans as he sends waves of ecstasy coursing through me. I whimper when he abruptly pulls away.

“We aren’t the same, Charlotte,” he insists, shifting as he hovers over me, his lips dangerously close to mine. “Matty wants to make the world a better place.” Without warning, he thrusts inside me, causing my back to arch from the intensity. He nips my ear and whispers, “I want to watch it burn.”

All I can do is hold on as Lyric moves inside me, each thrust harder and faster than the last. Realizing our conversation is a lost cause, I bite down on Lyric’s lip in frustration, attempting to draw blood, but all it does is drive him to thrust into me with even more ferocity.

Rising above me, he grabs my thigh and instructs, “On your side.” Without giving me the choice to retaliate, he pushes me to my right, gripping my left thigh and pressing it into the mattress to open me for him. Next, he seizes my left arm, opening up my chest for better access to my nipples. I slide my other leg down between his, settling into a torturous position that stimulates every nerve in my body without pushing me over the edge.

Lyric fucks me like he kills—with an effortless precision that leaves me gasping for more.

“I should send Dessi a video of you right now,” he mutters, leaning down over me as though he can’t decide just how close he wants to be. “Send him a video of you writhing under me, begging me to let you come.”

“I’m not begging,” I mutter. Unlike Desmond, who demanded all of my submission, Lyric exudes an energy that seems to thrive on resistance, as if he derives pleasure from it. It’s something I push to the back of my mind to dissect later, maybe during a long run through the woods.

Oh hell, I’m a goner.

With his thick, hard cock, Lyric continues his relentless pace. He pulls out and lifts up, holding my leg down as he thrusts into me hard and fast, the friction building an exquisite torture. He pins my thigh down, denying me the ability to seek out the pleasure I so desperately crave. I whimper, trying to lift my leg in a futile attempt to find the sweet spot, but Lyric isn’t having any of it.

“Do you want to come, dove?” His voice is a deliciously wicked tease. “Want to milk my cock until I pump my hot seed inside your tight little pussy?”

“Yes, damn it, Lyric,” I reply, my voice thick with longing and frustration.

“Shh,” he admonishes me with a low, throaty laugh, reveling in my torment. His hips continue their relentless rhythm, driving me closer to the edge. “Not yet, dove. I want to see how far I can push you until you beg for release.”

The sensation is beyond intense, an electrifying current that courses through every inch of my body, leaving me on the precipice of ecstasy. Every nerve tingles with anticipation, my skin prickling with his every movement.

He feels like a furnace pounding into me from above, the slapping of his hips against mine echoing around the room. My pleasure builds relentlessly with each tantalizing thrust, each deliberate stroke pushing me closer to the edge. I bite down on my lower lip, trying to hold back the overwhelming need to climax, to let go and surrender to the delicious chaos that Lyric is orchestrating. Even if I wanted to, though, Lyric pulls back every time I get close to the edge, only letting the tip of his cock rock inside me until I come back from the precipice.

His sweat drips down onto my neck, trailing over my skin to the sheets below. His lips find mine, and his teeth nip my lip hard, opening the cut from his previous kisses. I feel blood bead from the bite, and just as I think he’s going to slow down, Lyric thrusts into me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Blood and saliva mix in a passionate kiss.

I feel my heart pound in my chest. An electric energy zaps between us, pulling me closer to the cusp of the orgasm I want so much.

“Beg me, Charlotte,” Lyric demands.

Just like last night, my words are nothing but incoherent babble as they fall from my lips. Each one earns me a soft chuckle from Lyric. He suspends me in time until nothing exists but the two of us.

Lyric’s dominant presence is undeniable, his control unwavering as he revels in pushing my limits to the brink. His strong hands hold me steady with each thrust, and sweat glistens on his forehead as he rises above me, his cock buried so deep inside me, it hurts. He wiggles closer, holding still.

His ragged breathing is the only outward sign that he is as affected as me.
