Page 13 of Holiday Home 2

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Tess had just enough time to respond. Her eyes widened in the second between when she realized what he was doing and when he completed it. His hand covered Tess’s eyes, stealing her sight, robbing her of the chance to anticipate what was to come.

That didn’t mean he’d cut off her ability to reveal her excitement. Betrayed by her pulse, which rapidly sped up in her neck, Tess swallowed but said nothing. She remained perfectly still, save for the slight increase in the heave of her breasts.

If only he’d had more time, then he might have indulged in the pride that her response imbued him with.


He saw the countdown as he spun his attention away from Tess’s provocative body, knowing he’d end up trapped if he didn’t. Tying together celerity and surreptitiousness, Liam reached his unaccounted-for hand toward the table.

He’d thought about pausing the timer, though just briefly. Obviously, no matter how effective his ploy ended up being, Tess would still know if he went well past the minute he was allowed. So, he gave up on seeing if he could get away with that underhanded tactic. He’d just have to make do with the time that he had.

Instead of pausing the timer on her phone, he reached for one of the objects beside it. One of his glasses. The one filled with ice.

He scooped out one of the nearly perfect cubes as stealthily as possible, doing his best to keep it from clinking against its brethren or the rim of the glass. He didn’t want to give Tess even an iota of forewarning of what he was up to. This was his blitzkrieg moment, and he couldn’t have her anticipating his assault.

With the slick cube of ice pinched between his thumb and forefinger, feeling the heat in his fingertips already starting to melt two of its sides, he hurried it toward one of two vital strategic goals he had in mind for this operation.

He placed it upon Tess’s right breast first. It landed just underneath her nipple, precisely where he’d intended. The beautiful woman’s response was everything he’d hoped it might be.

A sudden intake of air morphed her pleasant smile into one of abject shock. At the same moment, her back arched up from the couch as the gelid sensation he’d supplied landed near one of her most sensitive areas.

Liam grinned victoriously. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t even see him doing it.

“Liam!” she exclaimed, trying to wiggle her eyes free to see what he’d just done.

“Hey, no moving,” he said. “My minute isn’t up yet.”

Tess opened her mouth to protest, but her jaw quivered dangerously in response to him beginning to circle her nipple with the cube of ice. She remained so tense that he could see every muscle in her abdomen flexing.

“We didn’t say anything about using props,” Tess said once she’d regained her voice. However, she’d stopped trying to escape the hand over her eyes.

“Right,” Liam said, still grinning triumphantly. “Wedidn’tsay they were against the rules.”

“That’s cruel.”

“It’s not. I’m playing fair.”

“I don’t, ah, think this is fair—at all,” she complained, shivering as he properly pressed his gelid weapon into her nipple for the first time. He left it and the areola around it dripping wet when he pulled it away, though that was only for a moment.

The ice cube returned, intent on thrusting chilling sensations into Tess’s breast. Verbal complaints notwithstanding, Tess’s body betrayed her yet again. He’d recently come to know the difference between squirming due to discomfort and squirming due to pleasure, and her shivering movements fell firmly into the latter’s camp. What little worries he’d had that his scheme might backfire faded away.

Which meant he could now focus on reaping the reward during the precious slice of time granted to him.

When there were just thirty seconds left to him, wanting to ensure he didn’t leave her other nipple underappreciated, he shifted the ice cube over to her other breast. With it now under siege, Tess’s pleasured twinges didn’t relent. And Liam wasn’t done yet.

After leaving her first nipple coated in cold water, the unprotected spire was too delicious for Liam to keep his lips away from. Bending forward, his warm lips met its chilly hardness as he collected it between his lips.

“Liammm,” Tess hissed, teeth chattering as she sharply inhaled.

Keeping the ice cube swirling around her other rock-hard point, Liam sucked on the cold nipple between his lips. A throaty purr escaped Tess’s throat, and she arched toward the warmth spilling off his lips. Liam pushed his face into her tantalizing breast, rolling the hardness of her nipple with his tongue. Glancing to his left, he was just in time to see Tess’s knees rise as she pulled her legs in, toes curling.

The ice cube dripped water on her other breast. The body heat in his fingers and her breasts had swiftly melted a chunk of it, and Liam, still operating with cruel impunity, shifted its remains to the valley between her breasts. As Tess yelped, Liam released it, allowing it to slide from between her breasts down to her navel, where it continued to melt. Next, he sent his fingers back to Tess’s wet breast. He collected the water on it, swirling it around the deliciously large orb.

Sucking on one nipple, skimming his fingers around another, Tess’s libido crackled within the room with each hastened breath she took. Liam yearned to go further, and he forgot all about the game they were playing—or the time limit.

Unfortunately, Tess’s phone, the soulless mechanical monster it was, didn’t.

It chimed just as Liam removed his lips from Tess’s nipple, intent on leaving a blazing trail down her midriff until he reached her shorts—and then he’d see how much further she’d let him get.
