Page 43 of Holiday Home 2

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“Please, what the fuck do you know? Before Tess, who’d have even sucked you off before? Some high school girlfriend who barely knew what a cock looked like, I bet. Of course, Tess would seem miles ahead ofthat.”

“Definitely,” he agreed, hiding a smirk of his own. “She wasmilesahead.”

“You’re so biased, too.” Avril delayed her following response long enough to pour more saliva onto her breasts and his cock. “Tess this, Tess that. Yeah, we all get it. You have a mommy complex.”

“I do not!” he protested, though his voice cracked as the pleasure ramping up inside of him rattled him.

“Oh, yes, you fucking do,” Avril continued, pumping his cock faster and faster. “We can all tell. Even Tess.”

As his body tightened like he was restrained on all sides by chains, he teetered on the brink of erupting. Yet… no! Not yet. He definitely couldn’t cum while Avril was prodding him like this, or she’d never run out of ammunition on the subject of his “tastes.”

“Sounds to me like you’re projecting. If anyone’s into that kind of stuff, I bet it’d be you.”

“Yeah, and?” Avril said, grinning unabashedly. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. All I know is I’m not some prudish freshman who can’t even admit what they’re into.”

Her tongue twirled around his cock as her breasts mashed his cock between them. Each passing moment dragged away more of his capacity to resist. Without letting even a morsel of shame roam across her beautiful features, she decided to finish him off. It was a lesson, alright. One that let him know that he hadn’t even begun to see the depths that Avril Knight was capable of.

“I’ll be your older sister if you want me to,” she purred seductively. “So, go on, Liam.Cumall over your big sister’s naughty tits.”

That was exactly what he did. He shattered like a porcelain pot dropped from the top of the Eiffel Tower. For several moments, he hurtled toward an inescapable doom. An infinitesimal moment later, he lay on the stonework in a thousand jagged pieces.

He erupted with so much force that the first sticky blast of cum impacted Avril’s throat with the speed of a dart hurtling toward a dartboard. It splattered against her slender neck, and her eyes glittered with the sheer seductiveness emanating from them. He had several more blasts to come.

The second rope of white leaped to her right breast, landing near her collarbone. The third, as Avril redirected him, hit her left but immediately began sliding down her slick breasts toward her nipple. The third and fourth spurts arced up to the upper slopes of her breasts, as well.

Liam would appreciate the sight of her covered in his cum in a minute or two. For now, as his fifth salvo, one finally starting to ebb in terms of forcefulness, erupted out of his cock, he was nothing but a speck swaddled in bliss’s almighty throes. It left him lightheaded and seeing splotches of red as he closed his eyes. His heart pounded with the same ferocity that he’d expect a beachgoer to experience upon seeing a shark’s fin rapidly approaching them.

She’d throttled every sense but euphoria and adrenaline out of his body. Her body had done most of the work, yet he was forced to admit that her words had also played a pivotal role.

With them, she’d reminded him that he was still new to these waters that she’d begun introducing him to on that fateful day they’d met. He was still the novice, and she was still the master. He had plenty still to learn.

“Get your pictures before I start dripping all over you and your floor.”

Avril’s voice dragged him back to reality, and he opened his eyes. Leaning over him still, though his cock, softened and spent, no longer sat nestled between her tits, Avril’s eyes shone with glee at the euphoria scrawled across his expression.

“That’s what I fucking thought,” she boasted, sticking her tongue out at him.

Still weak as a newborn, Liam managed to hold onto his phone long enough to immortalize the sight of a post-titjob Avril Knight. Unforgettable a sight as it was, he still gladly filled his phone up with the debaucherous images. A few more, ones where Avril swept his cum off her tits, tasted, and swallowed it in front of him, robbed him ofhissaliva.

“Come on,” she said, beckoning at him. “Don’t be sore about it. You know you want to swaddle me in praise.”

Although his body had utterly capitulated to her erotic assault, his mind still had a few vestiges of resistance left. “It was thebesttitjob I’ve ever had. No question.”

She glared at him. “It was theonlytitjob that you’ve ever had.”

“That is also true.”

Snorting, Avril flicked him on the cock. Thanks to the lewd images that he’d collected, it was already halfway stiff again. The sultry redhead’s glare morphed into a devilish smirk—and was that a slight gleam of approbation within her eyes?

“You really do recover quickly. Interesting. I’ll make sure to file that info away for later usage.”

“It helps when I’ve got one of the sexiest women alive hovering over me with her enormous tits covered in my cum,” he said, deciding he didn’tjustwant to play things sarcastically.

Grinning, Avril rewarded him by going down and kissing his cock. “It certainly does. Now, give me your phone.”

Furrowing his brow, he wondered if she planned to take a few more selfies. However, upon handing it over, she instead spent about twenty seconds tapping away on his screen.

“Here you go,” she said, turning his screen toward him.
