Page 6 of Holiday Home 2

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“Good morning,” she repeated sleepily, holding her cup in both hands. Both steam and a potent aroma of nuttiness rolled off it in waves.

“Good morning,” he said, swallowing dryly. Even now, even after all that they’d done together, he still struggled to keep his cool around her.

Her next set of actions didn’t do much to relieve that ingrained tension.

Before taking the first sip of her drink, her gaze descended upon his body. In her absence, Liam had eschewed looking for a blanket or pillow to place on his lap. He’d also eschewed trying to calm his libido down or shift how he was sitting to obfuscate just how turned on he was. Now that he was allowed to let his desire for her show itself, he didn’t want her ever to forget how strongly she affected him.

Tess’s gaze lingered on his conspicuous arousal, which only sustained it due to her attention. Once her eyes wandered back to his, she followed one provocative decision with another.

Leaning toward him, her lips brushed against his before he realized that was her aim. Fleeting as it was, she’d still managed to steal every ounce of breath from him by the time she pulled away. Lightly smacking her lips together as if tasting something, she raised an eyebrow.

“Syrup? Did you make pancakes?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. I hope that was okay.”

“Of course it was,” Tess said, allowing her coffee table to achieve its purpose when she placed her cup on one of its coasters. “I said as much in my note.”

“Right.” He didn’t say anything more because Tess was already leaning back toward him, eyes gleaming suggestively. Apparently, something other than coffee had managed to evaporate her drowsiness.

She kissed him again, long enough for him to properly kiss her back. As she pressed her lips into his, she inhaled deeply, as if the lingering hints of syrup on his lips were pure ambrosia. Eyes shut tight, Tess intensified their kiss, even working her tongue into his mouth.

Liam’s cock throbbed as their tongues tangled, passion spilling through them as their combined lust banished the final few remnants of Tess’s languor. When she finally pulled back, she was wide awake.

“That was pleasant,” Tess whispered, a hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks. “I haven’t had a kiss like that to wake me up in years.”

Upon hearing those words, effused with pride and a need for a longer taste of the gorgeous woman, he replied with a counterattack. Hurrying after Tess’s lips before they could get too far away, her eyes widened as he compelled their bodies back together. Caught in the same kind of stupor as she’d inflicted upon him with her first kiss, Liam’s fervor left her defenseless.

Their lips remained intertwined for over a minute, their bodies thrumming with shared passion. Hand finding her side, it slipped under her billowy shirt, where it found her smooth side still warm after her shower. As he leaned further into their kiss, his hand began to climb, tracing her marvelous figure on its way toward her breasts.

As he began to close his eyes and rely solely on his sense of touch, he felt a firm hand on his chest. It pushed back against his advance, which would have eventually seen Tess on her back while they made out.

Liam’s eyes opened, and Tess pulled back from their kiss. Face flushed with heat, she swallowed.

“I know that I initiated things here, but I was hoping we could pace ourselves today. I don’t want to get us too riled up too quickly.”

“Oh, sure,” he said, aggression dampened. A moment later, he pulled his hand out from beneath her shirt. However, as it returned to his side, Tess nabbed his wrist.

“I promise to make sure your patience is well rewarded before the day is up.” Smiling softly at him, she lifted his hand to her lips, pressing a kiss against two of his fingers.

Like a reactor burning too hot, Liam’s body vehemently protested her proposed delay. However, with the aid of her promise, he was eventually able to push it back to a safe temperature. He shouldn’t be surprised that she wanted to pace things, especially after a conversation they’d shared just yesterday.

Tess wasn’t just looking for hookups whenever her lust flared. The recently divorced woman had explained her wishes for their relationship, untitled as it might remain, and it involved more than just chasing physical satisfaction in the other’s arms. He’d promised he didn’t just want that either, which was the sterling truth of the matter. As enticing as her body was, he wanted far more than just a physical relationship. And this was his first chance to prove it.

“Wedohave all day,” he agreed, heart fluttering to re-realize as much. He had the whole day to spend with Tess. Alone.

She smiled beatifically in response. “Just the two of us. From sunup to sundown.”

And more,Liam quietly hoped, though he knew now wasn’t the time to share his aims.

“If we’re not going to build a snowman—”

“Absolutely not,” Tess interrupted, making a face.

“—then what do you have in mind for our midday activity?”

Tess’s smile grew. “I’m glad you asked.” She reached for her coffee mug on the table.

Wait. No, she didn’t. Instead of picking up her drink, her hand stretched beyond it. The steam rising from the cup wavered as her arm stretched by it, almost seeming like it was pouting over not having been selected.
