Page 13 of Wanting Her Boss

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But Payton seemed to weigh it up and think it over before agreeing, and that was really the best outcome that Madison could have hoped for.

She imagined that Payton’s crush would make this so easy, that they would just have to show up together and it would be the most obvious thing how much they cared about one another.

Madison had never acted before, but she could manage to look at a beautiful, young woman like Payton with a loving gaze. That wouldn’t be hard either.

The part that had kept her up half the night last night was when she thought about having to find a new P.A. after this was all said and done, because she had no idea how they would go back to their normal, working relationship after spending a weekend pretending to be a couple. Not when Madison could almost guarantee that Payton had feelings for her.

And that might have contributed to her sleepless night. Guilt. The idea that this was crossing a line, that she might be using Payton.

But Madison had laid out the plan. And Payton had agreed to it. Whatever else happened when they got back to New York after their week away wasn’t on Madison.

She just couldn’t see things being the same.

But maybe Madison would be wrong. After all, today had run really smoothly. It was almost five o’clock, and more than once today, Madison had questioned whether she’d really asked Payton to do this on Friday night, because it was like nothing had changed. Payton hadn’t brought it up, and neither had Madison.

That was the idea though. That this agreement would just be an extension of Payton’s job. And that meant that the next few weeks would be perfectly normal.


Payton took a deep breath before knocking on Madison’s office door. It was after six o’clock, and everyone else had gone home.

She’d surprised herself these last few weeks. July had gone by without incident. Neither her nor Madison had brought up London beyond scheduling a few meetings.

And now it was August, their flight just a week away. Payton had done her best not to think about the trip, about what might happen and how difficult it would be to go back to their normal working relationship.

But now that it was August, Payton couldn’t ignore it anymore, and all the practical things started to flood her mind.

What was she going to wear? What was Madison wearing? She didn’t want to match or clash with whatever she was wearing.

Were they going to practice looking like a couple? It sounded silly, but if Madison slid her hand over Payton’s right now, she didn’t think she’d be able to hide her reaction. Just thinking about it sent a shiver through her entire body.

Yes, Payton had acting experience, but for her, this was a serious challenge. She had to pretend that Madison’s touch wouldn’t have an effect on her.

“Come in.”

Payton pushed the door open. “Hey. Sorry to bother you.”

“No, you’re not. Take a seat.” Madison sat back in her chair, her dark hair straight today. She slid off her reading glasses and left them on the desk. “What did you need?”

Payton sat down across from Madison. “I just wanted to talk to you about next week. About the trip.”

“Okay.” Madison gave Payton her undivided attention.

Payton cleared her throat. “So, I was wondering what you were wearing. Just so I don’t clash.”

“Oh.” Madison frowned. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask my stylist to meet with you too.”

“No, no.” Payton was waving her off. “I didn’t mean that. Just I don’t want to pick the wrong dress. The wrong color. Depending on what you’re wearing.”

“It’s black tie. And I’m going with a teal dress.”

“Okay.” Payton mentally ran through her closet and hoped that Ashley would have something, because she didn’t think any of her clothes would work with that dress code. “And… I’m a little bit worried about this looking real.”

“How so?” Madison clasped her hands in front of her on the desk, looking every bit the professional despite what they were talking about.

“Well,” Payton started with a deep inhale. “I’m used to you being my boss. And I’m not sure how easy it’s going to be to just flip a switch. I do have my tiny bit of acting experience to fall back on, but it’s not the same when right now you’re my boss and in two weeks you’ll be my boss. But somewhere in the middle I’m supposed to be your adoring girlfriend.”

“What are you suggesting?”
