Page 38 of Wanting Her Boss

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Madison shook her head as she got ready for bed, changing into her pajama shorts and a tank top, hoping that exhaustion would take over, but two hours later, she saw the neon green lights of the clock beside her bed show 2:42am.

And it wasn’t long after that when Madison heard the soft click of the keycard in the door and it gently falling shut. She pretended to be asleep, half hoping that Payton would climb into bed and tell her that nothing had happened with that woman, but she didn’t.

Payton went into the living area and never came back out.

Madison must have fallen asleep eventually, tears streaking down her cheeks, thoughts of what was wrong with her the last thing she remembered.


Payton woke up when she nearly fell off the couch, barely catching herself. Light streamed in through the sliding glass doors that led out onto the balcony, and Payton slammed her eyes shut again, her head thumping.

She rolled over, facing the cushions, a wave of nausea hitting her.

And then she remembered why. Shots. So. Many. Shots.


Oh yeah. Because she wanted to forget about what Madison had done for a few hours.

And now she was paying the consequences of that decision.

Payton took a deep breath, willing that sick feeling to go away as she listened for any movement on the other side of the suite, but there was none.

She tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn’t, the urge to go to the bathroom greater than the tiredness that left every muscle in her body aching.

When she finally got up to go to the bathroom, she could see that Madison had left at some point. She was probably out getting breakfast or lunch.

Payton squinted at the numbers as she picked up her phone that was on the coffee table. How was it almost three o’clock in the afternoon?

Her phone vibrated in her hand, a picture of Ashley’s smiling face filling the screen.

“Hey,” Payton croaked, holding her phone out so that Ashley could see her.

“Hi. You look like shit.”

Payton made a face. It was true. She raked a hand through her unruly hair. “I was out late last night.”

“Ohh, tell me everything!”

Payton scoffed. “It’s not whatever you’re thinking.”

“The last message you sent me was full of happy emojis.”

“Well, things change,” Payton said with a sigh.

“What? What happened?”

Payton flopped onto the couch, telling Ashley what had happened since they’d last spoken, and how Madison had come back yesterday and suggested going out. How they’d never spoken about what had happened between them. And how Madison had basically told her to go fuck someone else.

“Oh my god,” Ashley said, her mouth falling open.

“Yeah. So...” Payton blew out another breath. “That’s that, I guess. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this wedding.”

“Payton, you do see what she’s doing? Don’t you?”

“Trying to tell me not to get attached?”

“No! She’s trying to push you away. Don’t play her games, Payton. I’m telling you.”
