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“Exactly,” Adam replies. “I need you to go back to the station. Get the analysts started on the research. What stands out about the number twenty? What does it mean, in literature, in music?”


“Anything. Everything. Let’s have some theories.”

Jamie nods, his car keys already in his hand.

“And phone Control. Get them to send a unit over to the old house and do an address check. Have a good look around.”

“What are you going to do, Boss?” Jamie asks.

“I need to make a call.”

He watches Jamie leave, then pulls his phone out of his pocket. He searches for a number and pauses.

If Romilly is right, if all this started with the death of four women, nearly thirty years ago, then this is worse than anyone imagined. This career-defining case, the one he felt such anticipation for barely four days ago, suddenly feels personal.

The man may be in prison, but his legacy looms. A shadow, haunting and dark. Closer than ever before.



ELIJAH WEIGHS UP the heavy figure in his hand. He places the king on the board on its new square, then takes his finger away, completing the move. He likes everything about chess. The feel of the solid wooden pieces. The intricate movements. That moment when the plan slots into place, and you know there’s only three moves until checkmate.

He hates to lose, but he’s playing against himself. Quick decisions, swapping colors, not even bothering to turn the board. The room bustles around him—an argument breaks out, punches thrown, officers intervene—but he’s used to it. The rhythm of the prison, like a heartbeat.

He feels a tap on his shoulder. One of the guards stands behind him.

“Who’s winning, Doc?” he asks.

“Me, of course. Do you care to join me? What’s our tally? Twelve–one?”

The guard smiles. He knows that Elijah had let him win. Just that once.

“Not today. We’ve received a visitor request. I know the guv’nor would say yes, but I wanted to run it by you first.”

Elijah raises an eyebrow, interested.

“The police are asking for an interview. DCI Adam Bishop.”

Elijah looks away again. Not unexpected. But not the person he wants. Not yet.

“Turn it down,” he replies.

The guard looks surprised but nods in agreement and leaves Elijah to his game. He moves the black queen forward.

“Check,” he whispers as he knocks another piece from the board.



ROM DIDN’T SLEEP well last night. Dreams of darkness and metal, screaming and cries for help. She wrenched herself awake almost hourly, staring at the stars projected at the ceiling, her body close and warm to her boyfriend.

She’s already called in sick to work. Her junior doctors can handle the day; she’s at the end of the phone if they need her. And now there’s been another murder. She hesitates but can’t resist phoning Adam. He’s brusque—he still doesn’t want her there.

When they first met, she was surprised when he told her what he did for a living. Detective in the CID.
