Page 19 of The Cowboy Hitch

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“Heard and answered. We’re not keeping it a secret.” He rakes a hand through his thick hair, and his blue eyes drill into me. “Besides, I’ve already told my mother, and I plan on telling the rest of the family soon.”

Instinctively, I tense, and my chest constricts. Sage Kincaide knows.Dammit.

Then I glance over his shoulder in the direction of Mel’s. The ice cream parlor is out of view from where we are, and I have no clue if his brothers and sisters are still there, but my worst fears seem to spring to life.

Ridge may think simply stating he’s the father is enough, but I know better. His mother knows about the baby.

Once more, I rub protectively at my stomach. Sage Kincaide will be out for blood, and I’m not so sure if even the heir apparent can stop her.



Mama’s icy glare competes with the air conditioner to cool the room. It’s the same chilling look she wore all through our lunch with Chastity, almost two weeks ago. A look she’s been wearing ever since.

It’s strange to have it directed at me.

I don’t know what’s pissed her off more, me ruining her plans and sullying her reputation by getting someone pregnant out of wedlock or the idea that once she’s a grandmother, townsfolk might think of her as old.

Maybe both.

One thing’s for sure, with all the pains she goes through to hide her age, she’d be doubly pissed if she knew how much her current scowl draws out the fine lines around the corners of her eyes and mouth.

I just wish she’d say something.Anything.

When I dumped the news on her at that lunch, I was prepared for her rage. Ready for her threats. Open to hear all about her bitter disappointment in me.

But this silence?

It’s worse.

Not because I want to hear what a royal screwup she thinks I am, but because the only thing scarier than Sage Kincaide all riled up is when she’s silently scheming.

I’ve never been on this side of her ire before. At least, not to this degree.

Normally, I’d be the one she’d turn to for support. The one who’d help cook up her plan of attack. And I’m all too aware of what she’s capable of—more so now that Pa’s gone.

“Is this going to take long?” Scarlett complains, sweeping into the room with Jett following closely behind her.

Mama doesn’t even spare the twins a glance. Her caustic gaze is still stuck on me, but it doesn’t stop her from chastising, all the same. “Why? Do you have someplace better to be? Something more important to attend than your family?”

“Of course not, Mama.” Scarlett bows her head and crosses the room to sit on the sofa, at my side.

Jett sits beside her, immediately bending his head to hers, and whispers, “You wouldn’t dare.”

Oh, but she is a daring one, my sister. Always with a quick tongue and spitfire attitude. Somehow, she manages to stay on Mama’s good side. Although truly, I’m not sure whose side she’s on, other than Jett’s. The two of them are inseparable, and I often wonder if they don’t have their own secret agenda in play.

My other siblings arrive in one large pack. Laken, Jasper, and Cole tumble in like the young herd of wildlings they are, all loudly talking and not paying the rest of us any mind. Brooks and his new bride, Addie, are behind them, still looking as stupidly in love as they did on their wedding day. Trey brings up the rear, creeping in like a goddamn spy and taking his usual spot at Mama’s side.

The only one missing is Clay, but I didn’t expect to see him here, since he’s on tour promoting his latest chart-topping country album. Hell, he didn’t even have the decency to show up for Pa’s funeral or the reading of the will. Fame is more important to him, I guess.

But at least he’s got the balls to follow his heart.

“Brooks, I thought you two would finally be on your honeymoon. I’m surprised to see you here,” Mama croons.

Only a couple of months ago, she was at his throat, fighting to keep him from taking the head seat of Canyon Spring. Now that he’s backed off and is building a life for himself—away from our family empire—she’s like a fly on shit and happily his biggest supporter.

“We’re postponing it until Greener Prospects is up and running full tilt,” Addie answers, referencing their new business venture and wrapping her arms around my brother’s waist in a way that seems almost protective.
