Page 53 of The Cowboy Hitch

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Ridge hesitates, tugging on my hand until I look at him, expression concerned. “It’s icy. I don’t think…” His gaze lands on my stomach and the unspoken question—is it safe for the baby—lingers between us.

I’m not wild about the idea but think I can do it. I’ll take my time and won’t be reckless.

“I’ll be fine.” I whisper not wanting the boy to hear and give him another reason to think we’re old, clueless adults. “Hang on to me.”

I wink and he takes my direction to heart. Ridge holds my waist as I climb up the few steps of the slide. Before I’m even firmly seated at the top, he races around to stand at the bottom, arms outstretched, muscled thighs braced to catch me.

It’s in this moment, I’m hit with the strangest of feelings. A warmth and understanding washes over and through me. He’s so protective and loving in his overbearing way.

This is how he’ll be as a father.

He jokes with the boy about how he’s not sure if he can do it. The slide might be too high, and I watch from my perch, overflowing with an unnamed emotion.

Definitely affection and admiration, but also something different…something more.

Ridge Kincaide will be a good father.

“Hey, lady, are you coming down or what?” The boy fidgets impatiently and blows out a puff of white air.

I push off, giggling and smiling, as I swoosh down the slide. It’s freezing and my teeth chatter. Before my feet can hit the ground, Ridge scoops me into his arms and his lips press against mine.

The boy makes a loud gagging sound. “Yuck, you’re gross.”

He runs from the park and down the street as we pull apart laughing.

A little breathless, I rest my forehead against his neck. “That was fun.”

“Yeah, it was.” Keeping me close, he walks toward his truck. “You cold? Let’s get you warmed up.”

He pulls me into his side in the back seat of the truck. It’s warm and comfortable in his arms. My head rests on his shoulder, and I stare out the window at the darkening purple sky. “What are you doing to me?”

He pauses in rubbing the side of my arm. “What do you mean? You didn’t like our date?”

Though I can’t see his expression, I detect the uncertainty in his tone and shake my head. “Best damn date I’ve ever had.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

“Though, I doubt I’ll ever have another date build a shed for me.”

“Lace, I’ll do whatever it takes. Move mountains, cause floods.” He’s joking as his voice booms then he drops his tone to something more suggestive and intimate. “Besides, if you don’t know it by now, we aren’t in any way conventional.”

I lift my head to look at him. “Does that bother you?”

“No fucking way. Who says we have to do things the way everyone expects? That isn’t who we are. Fuck the rules and expectations. We make our own way.” His hand lovingly rubs my belly. “You and me and baby.”

“Ridge, thanks for an amazing date.” Unable to resist, I run a hand through his hair.

His eyes shutter briefly, then he tightens his grip on my waist. “Glad you liked it.”

“No, like isn’t the right word. I loved it.”

Twilight settles around us, and I can’t help but feel understood. Our date proves I haven’t given him enough credit. He knows me. Some might say a date at a park, in the winter no less, isn’t a date at all.

They’d be wrong.

Despite the lengths he went to put the shed together so we’d be warm, he also took the time and care to do something I’d enjoy, that will mean something to us, to our future.

I’m not comfortable with fancy restaurants, expensive meals, or even the people. There’s enough hustle and bustle at Oz’s, and I tolerate it because I have to. But tonight, this date, the solitude, and even our fun with the boy, it was all simply perfect.
