Page 61 of The Cowboy Hitch

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Features tight, he stares at me intently. “What else was I supposed to do?”

“You were supposed to leave it alone. Money doesn’t fix everything, and you throwing money at people like Arlene and Otis Hallman is a huge mistake.”

“I disagree. The problem is solved.”

His smug demeanor pushes me like a bully would the smaller, but not necessarily weaker, kid on the playground. I snort and widen my stance, now realizing what has to be done.

“You didn’t solve anything. Only made it worse.” I shake away my lingering doubts, the silly part of me that cares for this man and hoped we could have a future together.

I rake a shaky hand through my hair. “My par…” I stop, somewhat stunned at what I was about to say.


Why would I even call them that? I hardly think of them as my parents, haven’t since I was a little girl. Since I realized Travis is my one and only family. Clearly, he still is.

The pregnancy hormones strike again. With the baby on the way, I seem to have children, parents, and families on my mind all the time. And I’m more emotional than usual.

Thinking about things I can’t change even if I wish I could. Or more importantly, things I wish I had but know can never be. Our gazes lock and something inside my chest cracks. I look away for a blink, needing to wrestle my emotions back behind the locked door.

“They aren’t going to leave you alone. You’ve only invited more trouble. It’s like a blackmailer. If you give them money once, they know they’ve got you. You’ve got plenty and they will come back for more.”

He frowns and studies me in silence. Maybe I’ve finally gotten through to him. Though Ridge isn’t one to easily admit his mistakes, and I’m not surprised when he offers a placating smile, like I’m worrying for nothing. Like he has everything under control.

“If they do come back, I’ll set them straight. It was a one-time deal.”

An aching sadness pinches at the center of my chest, and I force myself to look at him, even as I’m shaking my head. “This isn’t going to work.”

“What the hell are you saying?”

“I won’t keep you from our baby.” I back away from him while maintaining eye contact. He needs to understand I’m serious, no matter how much this hurts.


Once again, I lift my hand to stop him.

The house. The cute stuffed animals, the adorable nightlight, and all the newborn necessities he brought for Christmas pour over me like fresh cement, sticking me to the spot.

It’s as if everything we’ve dreamed of or done up until this point, all of it is trying to stop me from doing what I must.

What is right.

“Ridge, please. I won’t stop you from being in your child’s life. I know you’ll be a good father. But you and I… We’re done.”



Iknow you’ll be a good father.

Lacy’s words circle my mind in an endless loop as I arrive at Mack’s house. Round and a-fucking-round they’ve gone for five damn days and six sleepless nights, and I still can’t make sense of them.

Hell, I’m such a confused and tired wreck, I can barely remember driving over here. Now that I’m safely parked in the driveway, I take a moment to collect myself.

With a few deep breaths and a quick glance in the mirror, I should be ready to go, but the reflection that stares back at me is shocking.

Red-rimmed eyes. Uncombed hair. Five days’ worth of stubble on my face.

What would Mama say if she knew I was showing up on someone’s doorstep unannounced, looking like a beggar?
