Page 69 of The Cowboy Hitch

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Both my conversations with Mack and Travis race through my mind on my way over to Oz’s home. Travis was supposed to drive me, but when he stormed out, I had to call a taxi.

And since there’s only two in town, I had plenty of time to rehash recent events, over and over again while I waited for my ride.

Oz contacted me first thing this morning, and while I don’t work weekends, I figured that’s why he texted. Instead, he invited me for lunch.

It’s not that unusual for us to have a meal together, but given the timing, I’m guessing the invite has something to do with Ridge. Oz knows I’m living with Travis. No doubt he knows a heck of a lot more than I’ve told him.

When I get to his small bungalow, there are two vehicles in the driveway—his truck and an all too familiar shiny black SUV. It’s one of the Kincaides.

Before I have a chance to guess which one of them it belongs to, Sage Kincaide parades out Oz’s front door. She’s in a long fur coat, black leather boots with easily a two-inch heel, and no surprise, her makeup and hair are perfect.

Her steps stutter when her gaze lands on me at the end of the walk, but the crack in her flawless veneer is so quick, so insignificant, that I wonder if I imagined it.

She raises her chin and makes a face, features twisting like she’s stepped in dog shit, before she wordlessly brushes past me.

It’s as if I’m not there and in turn, not willing to bat an eyelash or worse, let her see my confusion, I amble toward the door.

My fist’s poised to knock when Sage says, “Lacy.”

Foolishly, I glance her way and immediately regret it when I spot her annoying sneer.

“It’s a pity you didn’t slow down on the weight gain.” She’s shaking her head from side to side and glares. “You’re carrying a lot more than just baby.”

Before I can even consider lobbing an insult of my own, she slips into the car and slams it shut.

Oz opens the door and grabs my arm to pull me inside. “Lacy, get in here.”

“What the hell is she doing here?” Steaming mad, I whip off my scarf, gloves, and coat, leaving them in a heap on the bench in his front entrance.

He smirks at my ire, but his expression quickly shifts into something more serious that matches his voice. “She showed up about fifteen minutes ago. Uninvited.”

“What did she want?”

“Hang on, before we get into that. What do you want first, the good news—which is the reason I asked you over—or the bad news?”

“I’m not going to be able to focus until I hear why she was here.”

“All right. She came to talk about you.” He hands me a glass of water and I drink it in one gulp, not realizing how hot and bothered that woman makes me. “Listen, before anything, you need to settle down. This can’t be good for the baby.”

Oz leads the way into his living room, and I narrow my eyes on him. “The baby is fine and so am I. Tell me what she said.”

He places his hands on his hips, jaw firm, and gives it to me straight. “She wants me to fire you.” My mouth gapes open and I struggle to find the words, but he isn’t finished. “Or more like, she came to deliver a message from Ridge. He doesn’t want you working at my club.”

“Oh no, he didn’t.” A red-hot flash blazes a path from my chest to my face.

I spin on my heel, heading for the door with only one thought—give Ridge Kincaide a piece of my mind.

Oz tugs on my arm, carefully spins me around, and guides me to the couch. “Um, Lacy, you gotta calm down.” He sits next to me. “Sage was all too happy to deliver the message, and even threatened me if I didn’t fire you.”

“What the hell?” I grab his weathered hand and squeeze. “Oz, I don’t want to cause you any trouble. I’ll quit. Consider Friday my last day.”

“Wait a sec. While I appreciate your concern, you’re not quitting. I need you.” His fingers tighten around mine. “Besides, I gave her a message of my own for that son of hers.”

He pauses to make sure he has my full attention, and a slow smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. “He can go fuck himself. No one threatens me or any one of my staff. For as long as I’m breathing, Lacy, you’ll have a job.” He pinches the tip of my chin and holds my stare. “You got me?”

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I nod, unable to speak. Why would Ridge do this?

Though he never wanted me working at a strip club, I thought he understood what Oz and the rest of them meant to me. If this is his way of getting my attention, or worse, to make me dependent on him, he’s got another think coming.
