Page 71 of The Cowboy Hitch

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Without responding, she turns and walks toward the living room, leaving me to guess at her intentions, but at least she didn’t slam the door in my face.

Before she has a chance to change her mind, I hurry after her, kicking the door closed behind me. My long stride easily cuts the distance between us, but I stop short when I see Travis lounging on the couch, rubbing at his stomach like he’s the one who’s pregnant—a mess of plates and empty meal containers scattered across the coffee table in front of him.

“Shit, did I interrupt your dinner?” I ask, suddenly feeling impetuous and out of place. Why didn’t I look at a clock before barging in?

“It’s fine. We’re finished, aren’t we, Travis?” Hands on her hips, she gives her brother a knowing look.

His answering huff indicates otherwise, but he sits forward, gathering up the dishes, and mumbles, “I’m gonna finish something, all right.”

“Leave the mess,” Lacy says with a smirk. “Ridge can clean it up for us.”

A spark lights inside of me. God, this woman is something else—something wonderful and magnetic—and I’d be falling head over heels if I wasn’t already completely gone for her.

“No problem.” I give her my most charming smile, and more sparks ignite as her gaze collides with mine, eyes wide and mouth agape.

She’s so goddamn sexy and she doesn’t even know it. The way she stares, hands fidgeting at her sides. The way she catches herself ogling and tries in vain to look away, running her tongue across her bottom lip.

Fuck, every little innocent move makes me want to grab her and kiss her until we’re both gasping for air. Until she’s wet, panting, and ready to plead for mercy. Until there’s nothing left between us except our growing child.

But we’re not alone, and despite how good physical contact would be—or how loud my body screams for it—it’s not enough to solve this problem.

I clear my throat, forcing my libido under control and my mind back to the task at hand. “Travis, I’m glad you’re here, since this impacts you as well.”

His brow wrinkles, and he eyes me with suspicion, but he doesn’t say a word. Abandoning the dishes, he eases back into his spot on the couch.

Lacy follows suit, and with a heaved sigh, sags into the chair behind her, props her feet on the corner of the table, and absently runs a hand over her stomach. The touch seems second nature, yet it holds such tenderness, I’m momentarily caught up in the simple beauty of it.

Desire of a different sort courses through me, and I stand before them with the energy of my singular goal driving me on. I’m a man on a mission with my stance wide, jaw squared, and mind set.

Yet, Lacy frowns, seemingly unmoved by my show of conviction, and my insides are now churning. Those sparks of hope, lust, confidence, are all dampened by the absolute dread that, from out of nowhere, swamps my system.

“I’m an asshole.” I shrug, not afraid of admitting what they both already know. “A rich asshole, and I’m used to getting what I want.”

I don’t miss the roll of Travis’s eyes, but it’s Lacy’s reaction I’m concerned with. She seems intent on my words, helping to further my resolve and allowing me to push past any lingering doubts.

“Not saying it’s right,” I continue, clenching my fists at my sides. “But I’ve never thought twice about using my family’s power, influence, and money in my own self-interest. It’s how I was raised. Both my folks taught me this through example and direction. It never crossed my mind that there was another way of doing things.”

“We already know firsthand how your family operates.” Travis still looks calm, but there’s no mistaking the harsh edge to his voice. “Money talks. We get it. Now, get to the fucking point.”

A lump forms in my throat. His dislike of me is no secret and never has been. I couldn’t say I cared all that much before, but now…fuck, now I want nothing more than to prove to him I’m worthy. Worthy of his sister. Worthy to be called Dad by his nephew or niece. Worthy to be part of his family.

How fucking ironic is that?

Who’d have ever expected a Kincaide to be the one worried about fitting in or being good enough? Especially for a Hallman.

I bow my head in what I hope is a sign of humility. Although, I’m not sure I get it right since it’s a foreign fucking feeling and neither of them acknowledge it. “I’ve never given you a reason to like or trust me, Travis, but I want to change that. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn that from you.”

His brows draw together, and I sense he’s still not buying what I’m selling, but that’s okay. Actions speak louder than words, and right now, all I’ve got is a promise. It’ll take time to win him over. Time I’m hoping to spend.

I refocus on Lacy—the woman who keeps my world turning and is no doubt better than I deserve. “I’m going to repeat that because I mean it.Whateverit fucking takes.”

Her gaze doesn’t waver but neither does the stoic expression she’s wearing.

Has anything I’ve said made an impact? Does she understand the lengths I’m willing to go?

She sighs, shifting in her seat, and a look of discomfort flits across her beautiful features.

Fuck. Of course none of my words have registered. I haven’t said anything of value. Nothing of true significance. How can she understand my meaning when I haven’t said it plain and clear?
