Page 75 of The Cowboy Hitch

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“Ridge wants you out of the business.” He’s as uncompromising as ever. “And we all support him in that.”

It knocks the wind from me. Not only the sentiment of his endorsement but the unexpected hint of emotion, swimming in his gaze.

Never in my life have I been so happy to be wrong.

My chest expands on a deep, satisfied breath, and continues expanding as Scarlett steps forward with Jett on her heels. “Yes, we do.”

Cole follows along. “Sure as hell do.”

Mama sputters as a look of sheer terror takes hold of her. With both hands, she latches onto Trey’s arm, clawing and pleading, “You can’t. It’s my call. The will—”

“Can be contested,” Brooks says, his tone making it clear we’re not messing around. “And have no doubt, if you give us any pushback on this, we will contest.”

“Don’t even think about trying to use Jasper or Laken as pawns, either.” Trey leans toward her, his voice eerily low. “I won’t allow it.”

Her mouth opens and closes a few times, the shock seeming to take hold. “After everything I’ve done for you.”

My heart almost aches for her—for all the hardships I’ve seen her through, despite the terrible ways in which she’s managed them.

But that feeling’s only an echo.

Nothing she says or does from here could make me fall back to our old patterns. I’ll never be her pawn or puppet again.

I’m a new man. My own goddamn man.

And I’ve got the prospect of a bright future standing at my side. I just hope like hell Lacy’s willing to give me the chance.



The room goes silent as everyone watches and waits for Sage to make her next move. But she only sits there, smoothing invisible wrinkles from her dress, with her head bent and brow furrowed.

Up until now I’ve been a spectator. Make that a stunned spectator. Is Ridge serious? Is he willing to give this all up if his mother doesn’t agree to their terms?

He told me he loved me, and as much as I wanted to hear those words—believe them—I was skeptical. Even coming here today, I was unsure if he knows how to love unconditionally, without strings attached for him to control.

But this feels real—in his penetrating gaze and the unwavering conviction in his words.

All of this feels real. He loves me. He loves our baby. How can I not give him another chance?

Driven to help him, and also never one to sit quietly, I’m overcome with the urge to try and reach Sage. While we aren’t friendly and likely never will be, we do have a few things in common.

For starters, there’s Ridge’s and my unborn child. As much as I don’t like the thought of it, she will be this baby’s grandmother. Family. And there’s still this tremendous and awe-inspiring thing called motherhood.

My baby isn’t here yet, but I’ve had months to realize that this child will tip my life on its head. He or she already has, and my love for this child is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before.

A child changes you. Makes you stronger and weaker, and maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

“This must be hard.” At the sound of my voice, Sage stills her agitated fussing, but refuses to look at me. I inhale and gather all the conviction I can muster. “To feel like your children are turning against you.”

Ridge wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer, and I squeeze back reassuringly. He must be wondering if any of this has made an impact on me. Did he get through to me? I want him to know that I am with him.

“I haven’t even held my child yet, but it would break my heart to think I’d wronged them so deeply that they’d want to push me away.”

Sage turns to Ridge and me, her glassy stare landing on the swell of my stomach, and a silent tear rolls down her cheek. A strange ache, call it compassion, pinches at my chest. I figured she was coldhearted, but she’s crying. I’m surprised she’s capable of such emotion.

Her vulnerability spurs me on, fueling my desire to reach her. Our baby’s future depends on it, and I’ll do anything, even bare my soul in front of the Kincaides.
