Page 79 of The Cowboy Hitch

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The room spins a little as I rush to catch my breath. “All good.”

“Ridge,” Lacy interrupts my mini panic attack, her hand loosening in mine now that the contraction has subsided. “Can you double-check the waiting room?”


Another frown pulls her beautiful lips into a tight line, and a deep crease furrows her brow. “I don’t know. For anything…or anyone…surprising.”

Ah shit. I should’ve guessed.

Despite not having seen or heard from her parents since my blunder in giving them money, Lacy’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Now would be the opportune time for them to resurface, but something tells me it’s not going to happen. They aren’t just being quiet. Hell, I’m not sure either of them is capable of that. No. They’re gone—their trailer home empty for at least a month now, with no sightings of them from anyone in town.

I honestly have no idea where they’ve gone or why, but I’m not concerned since whatever or whoever drove them off did us a giant favor. Sure as hell did a better job than I did with my misplaced attempts at bribery.

Still, with the Hallmans’ track record being what it is, it’s smart not to take any chances.

“I’ll go check.” I kiss her forehead once more.

The waiting area is at the opposite end of the hall, so it gives me a clear view of all the people coming and going, and there’s no sign of Otis or Arlene. In fact, other than a nurse or two, there isn’t a single face I recognize. Until I round the corner to the lounge where I find Travis as well as Brooks and Addie.

Travis, wide-eyed and animated, jumps from his seat. “Is it here? Am I an uncle?”

“Not yet, but Doc says soon.” I attempt a smile, but anxiety makes it feel more like a grimace. “Thanks for coming.”

“We wouldn’t miss it.” Addie squeezes close to Brooks, as though urging his agreement.

He nods. “Happy to be here.”

I’m no fool. Brooks and I will likely never be friends. Not after all the years of my torment. Still, it’s nice to think we’ve moved past the hard feelings and my attempts to be a controlling prick. We may not be friends, but we can befriendly. And it turns out we make a pretty good team when we put our differences aside. And other than Trey’s unexpected support, Brooks was my biggest ally in getting Mama out of the ranch business, after all.

“It’s just you three?” It’s still early, I guess, but I’d expected—fuck, I’dhoped—more of my family might show up.

At least my siblings. As for Mama… Well, I won’t hold my breath. She’s done a damn fine job of avoiding me since we took over ranch operations. Since we gave her a taste of her own medicine. I wish I could say her reaction surprised me, but the woman still hasn’t learned how to deal with hurt feelings.

“Kelly’s here somewhere.” Travis rolls his eyes. “Said something about finding herself a doctor. I swear, that woman’s a walking fuck—”

A nurse peeks her head into the room, catching my attention. “Mr. Kincaide? Your wife’s asking for you.”

Without pausing to correct her—because although there’s a diamond engagement band in my pocket, I still haven’t officially asked Lacy to marry me—or to hear the rest of Travis’s opinion on Kelly, I race out of the room and back to my woman.

After five intense, scary, and miraculous hours of labor, Lacy and I welcome our daughter to the world. She’s a tiny ball of screaming, wrinkled fury. And the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

When her writhing body is placed in Lacy’s arms, my little girl calms, nuzzling into the warmth of her mother’s skin. My heart fucking melts, and then reforms into something new. Something bigger and better.

Because this… There are no words to account for the way this feels. It’s complex, all-encompassing, fucking terrifying, and goddamn wonderful all at the same time.

“I love you,” I murmur into Lacy’s sweat-soaked hair, and run a finger over the back of our daughter’s tiny hand. “I love both of you. So, so much.”

God, I’m the luckiest bastard in the world. I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted—more than I ever knew I wanted. It’s like fate saw me headed down a path leading to self-destruction and decided to step in to save me. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

What started as a hitch in my plan turned into this—the best moment of my fucking life.

“She’s perfect,” Lacy whispers as a steady stream of tears rolls down her face. “Isn’t she perfect?”

I hum my agreement, cuddling closer to the two of them, and the rest of the world fades away. Time slows and stops while I stare into the face of the miracle we’ve created, the beautiful little soul we’re responsible for. The highlight of my life. Both of them.

“Am I interrupting?” Mama stands in the doorway, body turned as though ready to leave.
