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“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry, Gus, I didn’t mean to drag you down. I’m tired, was about to take a shower and crash.”

“All right, I’ll let you go. But Tom, on the accommodation, in case Ms. Price moans about it.” Papers shuffle on his end of the line. “That’s the client’s responsibility. Truthfully, I’ve never had a booking for a drive like this before. Most people fly these days.”

He mutters something about Brent while I wonder, once again, why Leighton didn’t fly.

“Okay. Good to know.” I saunter toward the bathroom.

“Yeah, there’s nothing here about where they planned on staying. There’s only the agreed upon duration of the drive and the stops.” He releases an exasperated moan. “Dammit, I don’t know why Brent still uses paper.”

“I don’t understand him.”

“Me neither. You should go.”

“Hey. Wait. Are you okay?”

It’s midnight in Toronto, and while the late hour isn’t unusual for him, something about his voice seems off. When I first came home and was adjusting to the time difference, no matter what time I woke up during the night, Gus was always awake.

“Yeah, I’m fine. You know.” I almost see his no big deal shrug.

Like those times when we’d run into each other in the middle of the night, he makes light of his sleepless nights. He claimed it was the cost of running your own business. There’s always work to do, and making ACE a resounding success is his sole focus.

I only wish his partner and our friend helped more. “And Brent? Did he ever show up?”

“Um, we finally connected. He’s in New York, apparently drumming up new business.” His skeptical tone is easy to detect.

“Hmmm.” That Brent is a clever guy. He has an answer for everything. “You don’t sound like you believe him.”

Before he responds, a terse voice carries through the phone. It’s Elaine, his girlfriend, and while I don’t catch her words, it doesn’t sound good.

Gus mutters a sheepish apology, though hard to hear, and I guess he’s covered the phone. I don’t know Elaine all that well. She came into his life while I was in Africa, and the two of us just met at my welcome home party.

She doesn’t feel right for him. Eden, a mutual friend, and at one time a consultant for ACE, doesn’t like her at all. Well, not for Gus and from the little I witnessed, I’m beginning to understand.

“Tom, sorry about that. I should get going. I, uh…”

“What is it?”

“It feels like everything’s falling apart. I broke up with Elaine. She’s here packing up her things and then there’s Brent. Something’s going on with him, and I don’t have a good feeling at all.”

“Hey, sorry about Elaine.”

“It was for the best.” He lowers his voice. “She was too controlling.”

I chuckle. “Eden said something like that.”

“Don’t go there. Eden isn’t even trying to hide how happy she is about the breakup.” Gus doesn’t sound choked up or heartbroken, more relieved and amused at our friend’s joy over this. “Seriously, don’t worry about me. It’s all good.”

“Okay, but tell me how I can help, and I’m not just talking about Elaine. I can help with Brent. I could call him.”

Gus scoffs. “That fucker won’t pick up. Don’t worry about it. I’m meeting with Eden tomorrow, and I’ll get to the bottom of this. Just get some sleep, keep the client happy, and I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

“All right.”

We end the call, and before I realize what I’m doing, I dial Eden’s number.

She answers on the first ring. “Tom? What’s wrong?”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?”
