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Does he know we’re talking about him?

“I say go for it, and while you’re at it, get a pic of that man. He’s too hot not to admire.”

Heat spreads from the center of my chest outward, both at Tom’s stare and the idea of getting a picture of him. I could look at him whenever I wanted? There’s no harm in that, right?

Suddenly, I can no longer handle his intense gaze on me. Not even a second more, or I might melt. I turn away as if the scenery out the window is the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen.

“Um, ah…” I nibble on my lip, lost with what to say.

Tom’s keenly perceptive, and if he hasn’t already figured it out, it wouldn’t take much for him to guess that we’re talking about him.

“Take a pic and send it to me to prove you did it.” Fallon’s giddy voice ignites a delightful sprint up my spine.

My eyes widen at her ridiculous request even if I wouldn’t mind a picture of Tom. She might be on to something.

“I can’t.” Despite my response, my mind reels with how I might pull off such a stunt.

“Damn, girl, you can and you will.”

“Fal, I can’t.” I lower my voice, but it’s futile. Tom is too close to me.

“Yes, you will or else I’ll call him and ask for a pic,”—she pauses for effect—“and more.”

Suddenly Fallon’s fixation on Tom stabs at my chest. “You don’t have his number.”

It feels good to shoot her down, but she isn’t deterred. “I have my ways, darling. Just think, I could call the concierge while you’re in Vail and get a message to him.”

Finger on the grenade pin, ready to pull, she lets that explosion hang between us. What she’s suggesting isn’t that far-fetched and damn, she’d do it. She’s done far more with less provocation.

“Fine.” She wins although I don’tnotlike the idea of having a photo of Tom. I just don’t like the circumstances.

Now that I’ve given in and Fallon’s no longer challenged, she makes me promise to send proof and hangs up.

But not before adding, “The clock’s ticking, Leighton. And before you get all pissed because I think Tom’s hot, I’m no longer interested. Wells and I are back together. Besides, I was only making the moves on him to get under your skin. I saw how you couldn’t take your eyes off Tom when you first met him. I wanted to make you see what was right in front of your face. Love you. Bye.”

* * *

As we near my family’s private residence, situated in the village within a luxury hotel resort in Vail, Tom fiddles with the GPS on the console. This is my chance. He’s preoccupied.

Since talking to Fallon, as crazy as it sounds, I want a picture of him. If only, in some childish way, to claim him as mine when I show it to her. Foolish? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely.

I snap a shot of him. The flash of light and the click of my phone busts me.

Tom stills and slowly swivels to face me. “Did you just take a picture of me?”

His blue eyes sparkle, clearly entertained, but I can’t tell if he’s tickled to have caught me or because I even care to take his picture. Inch by inch, his lips curl upward as the seconds tick by. What do I say?

He’s wearing a full-on grin, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s daring me to take his picture again.

“I was trying to take a screenshot and goofed.” It’s a lie and I can only hope he believes me. “Like, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taken a picture of my background. Sorry.”

I laugh unconvincingly and smile. I may be going overboard with the sorrys today, but if anyone deserves my apology, it’s Tom. And in this moment, I feel like I have to apologize for lying to him. Especially since we’ve been so honest with each other in the past twenty-four hours.

He nods but says nothing, and I don’t know if he believes my excuse or not.

We park, take the elevator up to my residence, and once inside, I surreptitiously send his photo to Fallon, if only to shut her up. I’m willing to bet she never thought I’d do it. This is the kind of thing she does.

Tom deposits my suitcase, the only one I asked him to bring up, and glances around the large living and dining room. “Wow, this is a nice place. And your family only uses it a few times a year?”
