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I grit my teeth and force tight, measured words past them. “You could’ve seen me in LA when I was there for weeks.”

“Babe, I know. I wanted to.” He grabs my hands and kisses my knuckles. “But you know how it is. We were finalizing my next picture, the meetings… I feel terrible for not seeing you in LA. So much so, even though we’re going to be together in a few days for TIFF, I couldn’t wait to see you.”

I’ve asked the wrong question and gag on his perfect lies.

“How did you get in?” This is my place, and he waltzed in here like he owns it. He would’ve needed a code or card to get up here in the elevator and the same for the front door.

His slimy movie-star grin lifts the corners of his lips to his ears. “Baby, I have my ways.”

What the hell does that mean?

Felix uses the haze of surprise and anger consuming me to his advantage and slips his arms around my waist before turning us to face Tom. “Who is this?”

At the same time, Tom’s usually relaxed, always sunny manner, has morphed from shocked to dark and cloudy. “You know this guy?”

Ha. I love it. Tom acts like he doesn’t know who Felix is, and maybe he doesn’t, but his question gifts the first moment of brevity since Felix’s arrival.

The actor in question flinches and narrows his gaze on me. Oops. A snicker slips past my lips. I sneer at the jerk but make the mistake of then shifting my gaze to Tom. My throat constricts. We kissed, I wanted to keep kissing him, and now I wish I hadn’t pulled back. Not too long ago I was in his arms, not a breath of air between us. Damn, Felix.

“Ah, sorry. This is—”

I’m cut off when Tom steps forward with his hand outstretched and introduces himself. “Tom Raine.”

“Hi, Tom.” Felix holds his hand tightly and shakes. “And how do you know Leighton?”

“I’m Lei—Ms. Price’s driver.”

Air rushes out of me like a rapidly deflating balloon at how cold and formal he sounds. He must hate me. If only I could take him aside and tell him. But I can’t do this in front of Felix.

“Oh.” The actor puffs out his chest and beams. “I’m Felix Thorpe, and before you ask, I’d be happy to give you an autograph.”

Recognition flashes in Tom’s gaze, and his lips twist in what could either be a grin or sneer.

“Hi, Felix. Thanks, but I’m good.” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “I really likedForeverland. Great movie.”

Felix’s jaw drops open, and once again, I stifle the urge to cackle and he sniffs. “I wasn’t inForeverland.”

He drops Tom’s hand like he’s been holding garbage, but the fair-haired man doesn’t seem the least bit perturbed. He might even be tickled pink at irking the movie star. I certainly am.

I smile at Tom, but he isn’t looking at me. He seems to be looking anywhere but at me.

Felix pulls me toward the front door. “I’m starving—craving a big, juicy steak.”

I could tell him the kitchen is fully stocked, steak more than likely included, but I’m no cook and not about to try for Felix Thorpe. And he couldn’t find his ass from his elbow in a kitchen.

Before I can tell him to go get food alone—that should give me enough time to change the code to the condo—he adds suggestively, “I want to spend some time with my girl.”

Uh-uh, no way.He wants an audience so I can’t lose it on him in public. Not going to happen.

“I’m not your girl.” I pull from his grasp. “Go ahead.”

“She’s a funny one.” Felix hooks a thumb at me. “She’s mad at me because I’m busy with my career. This is how she wants to punish me.” Before I can utter a word to the contrary, he barrels on, “Tom, you must be hungry. C’mon, I’ll treat you to a steak.”

“I could eat. Sure.”

What? Why would Tom agree to this?

The men saunter toward the front door, and I don’t want to go but don’t want to leave Tom alone with Felix. I can just imagine the lies.
