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“Shit, Eden. I feel like I should be there. I could talk some sense into him.”

“No. I’ve got him. You’re helping him by doing this job. But I did want to chat with you about something else.”

Is she going to bring up working with her again? “What?” My indecision jabs at my gut.

“You could partner with him. I’ve always thought you two were a great team. You were always more dialed in to ACE than Brent ever was. I never understood why that douchebag was part of the equation.”

“I don’t have that kind of money.”

“You wouldn’t need it. I’d still invest. I believe in ACE and the two of you.”


“Listen, think about it. I haven’t said anything to August, and I won’t unless you want me to. Or the offer to work with me still stands.”

“Why are you doing this?”


“Throwing jobs at me,” I jest.

“Like I said before. You’ve got options. You said you wanted permanency, roots, and something to give you purpose. To be proud of. Either of these opportunities would give you that, and we’d also benefit from your experience and skill.”

I chuckle at her mini ego boost. “Thanks. I just don’t know…” Lost in thought, I trail off, not sure if either option is something I want.

“Tom, it’s all good. Take your time.”

“Okay. Thanks. I really mean it. I’m glad you’re there.” I pick up my coffee cup and sip.

“You silly man, no need to thank me. I’d do anything for you guys. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

“And Tom.”

“Yeah?” A sound from the entrance to the kitchen causes me to turn in that direction.

Leighton stands in the doorway in a pink camisole and silky shorts. My heart betrays me and skips a beat. I can’t take my eyes off her, off her bare legs and the way the shimmery fabric clings to her breasts.

“Drive safely. Talk soon.” Eden’s voice slices through my lust, and I croak out, “Yeah. Will do.”

Leighton tentatively smiles. “Good morning. Sorry to interrupt.”

“Morning.” I straighten and thread my fingers through my hair. “You’re not interrupting.”

She chews on the inside of her mouth. “Was that Mandy?”

I pause with the cup on the way to my mouth. “Who?”

I’m stalling to gather myself. I’m easily following her question and also a little surprised that she remembers our server’s name.

“Um, you know, from the restaurant last night.” A curtain of her dark hair covers her face as she dips her head to stare at her toes.

“What about her?” Now I slide on a lopsided grin when she glances up at me. I should be pressing her for details on Felix, and I will, but I can’t say I’m not enjoying this.

“Nothing. Forget about it.”

“That wasn’t Mandy. It was a friend from home.” I walk over to the coffee machine. “You want one?”
