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“I can make it home.” Her arms wrap around one of mine, and she leans into me as we make our way back to her condo.

Once in her kitchen, I seat her on a stool at the island and take a peek in the cupboards for meal ideas. There’s a lot I can do with what’s here. When I turn back around, arms loaded with ingredients, she gazes at me with one of the thin straps of her dress slipping off her shoulder.

The fabric gapes in front to reveal a sinful peek at the swell of her perky tits. Help me.

I dump the food onto the counter and angle myself away from her to shove a hand into my shorts to hide my hardening cock. My gaze dips down at her painted purple toes when Leighton calls my name, snapping me out of my frozen state.

“Sorry, what?”

“How long have you been cooking?”

I saunter over to the fridge. “It isn’t really something I do much of.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound promising. Maybe I should’ve opted for one of the restaurants.”

Salmon, green beans, green onions, and garlic are added to the small pile of items on the counter. “I’m not a bad cook.”

She laughs. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better?”

Glad to see she must be feeling better since she’s poking fun at me, I smile. “Are you done? Or is this how it’s going to be while I cook you salmon almondine?”

“Oh, that sounds yummy. All right, I promise to be nice.”

“Good.” With a skillet in hand, I head to the stove. “Are you ready for me to make you linner or is it called dunch?”

She groans. “Let’s not call it either.”

We chat easily while I cook and not long after, move to the dining room to eat. She stares down at the plate in front of her and then up at me. “Seriously?” She arches a brow. “French fries.”

“You had potatoes.” I slide the napkin onto my lap. “Besides, I’m determined to make you like them. These are baked, not fried, and lightly salted and drizzled in olive oil.”

She picks up her utensils. “Fine. I’ll try them, but I’m not making any promises.”

I chuckle and cut into my salmon filet. “That’s all I can ask for.”

Her pleasured moan ricochets inside my chest like the small silver ball pinging around in a pinball machine. My head snaps up and drinks in the sight of her.

The pretty pink flush of her soft skin, the way her dark lashes gather like feathers with her eyes closed, and fuck me, her lips. Full and glistening as she chews slowly.

Her eyelids flash open, and I’m lost to her dark, sensuous brown gaze.

“Tom, you lied. This is delicious. You’re a good cook.”

“Thanks, but I’m really not. Matt and Sam are the chefs.”

“Matt? He’s marrying your sister Claire, right?” I nod and she asks, “And Sam?”

“He’s kind of like an uncle. Definitely family. He’s married to my mom’s best friend, Olivia. A celebrity chef. He’s been helping Matt with his restaurant.”

“So they taught you how to cook?”

“No. I wasn’t taught. Truthfully, being the baby of the family has it perks. Between my mom, two sisters, and a sister-in-law, I’m fed really well. The women in my family spoil me.” I slap at my stomach and smile. “When I was away, I missed many things, but I’m not going to lie. Most of all, I missed my family doting on me with meals. It’s their way of showing they care, and since I’m always hungry, it works out well for me.”

“You spoiled? This doesn’t surprise me.”

“Anyway. I didn’t only eat the food; I also watched them and learned a thing or two. I cook when I absolutely have to. I mean, I live with two other guys…” I pause as Brent springs to mind. He’s now out of the picture. “Well, make that one guy, now. And we don’t cook.”

“One? You don’t know how many roommates you have?” She pokes fun and I release a sigh and place my cutlery on the plate.
