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“It’s about Matt’s bachelor party.”

“I thought his sister, Savannah, was planning something.”

Drew snorts. “Nah. I mean, yes, she’s doing a dinner but that’s more for all the families. Very fancy. I’m calling about a surprise for Matt. A couple of days away.”

I tense, my mind suddenly going to the movieBachelor Partythough Drew isn’t the type to plan debauchery like that. “What did you have in mind?”

My question comes out more cautious than I intend, and Drew, the astute lawyer he is, readily picks up on it.

“Hey, I invited your sisters and Savvy. Pippa’s coming but that’s all I’ll say. It’s a surprise for everyone. I’ll text you the dates, and you need to pack a bag and leave your phone at home.”

“My phone?” I ease up on the speed as the rain pelts the car and floods the windshield, making it difficult to see even with the wipers on full speed.

“Yeah. We’re focusing on nothing but Matt and a good time. Got it?”

“Okay. Count me in. Who else is going?”

“Most of us. Finn, Zach, maybe Walker. Sam doesn’t think he can make it, but Bas will be there. Your dad and Pippa. My mom couldn’t get away since she’s working on a big redesign for a client and on deadline, and your mom’s too busy with the opening ofThe Marriage of Figaro.”

“Yeah, that’s right. She’s swamped right now. Does Claire know?” I need to start planning something for my sister.

“She does, and she wanted to come but the hospital…she has to work.”

“Okay. I’m looking forward to it and very curious.”

He laughs. “That’s the spirit. Later.”

I remove an earbud, and before I can do the same with the other, the car lurches, suddenly sluggish. The speedometer drops like a feather slowly floating to the ground, and no matter how I press on the accelerator, it’s useless. The vehicle is losing power and fast.

Then the engine cuts out and we’re coasting. Hands white-knuckling the wheel, I steer the car toward the shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Voice frantic, Leighton clutches the strap of her seat belt.

“We’ve lost power.” I pump the brakes and aim the car as far as possible off the road before it comes to a complete stop.

The engine dies. I slide the car into park and check my phone. Good, I’ve got a signal.

She stares at me and then at the deluge just beyond the car. “What are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Her hand flies into the air. “You’re the driver.”

I clench my jaw and stare out at the fierce stabs of rain slapping against the windshield. I need to look at the engine.

My knowledge of cars is decent, and while I might not have the tools or be familiar with this car, I have an inkling as to what’s wrong, and if that’s the case, we aren’t going anywhere without a tow.



“Should I call someone?” My fingers grip my phone as if without it, I might die.

Lightning streaks blinding white across the sky, and a thunderous boom is quick on the heels of a flash. I huddle into the seat and listen to rain hammer the car roof.

This isn’t like the plane. This isn’t like the plane.

We’re going to be okay. Tom has already moved us safely to the side of the road. The car isn’t smoking or making any strange noises. We are going to be okay.
