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His phone rings and I watch him struggle to pull it from his damp clothes. The name Paige lights up the screen with a pretty image of a smiling brunette.

“Hi, Paige.”

Muffled sound comes from his phone, but I can’t make out what she’s saying and I really shouldn’t. It isn’t any of my business.

“Yeah, um, now isn’t a good time to talk, but I haven’t forgotten.”

Whoever this Paige is says some more, and this time I don’t hide my curiosity and lean a little closer, hoping to hear the woman on the line. It does no good.

“Yes, I’m seriously considering it. Project Miranda is important to me. Like I said, I can’t talk right now but I promise as soon as I’ve made up my mind, you’ll be the first to know.” His brow furrows as he listens to Paige for another minute before ending the call.

The second the phone is away from his ear, I can hardly contain myself and ask, “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” He frowns but it’s fleeting and then gone. “I should call Gus.”

He dials his friend’s number, the owner of ACE, and under the faint glow of the streetlights, I take a long look at him, more than curious about that call. Who’s Paige? What is she wanting him to consider?

The signs of exhaustion show in the tight twist of his mouth and the tiny lines around those blue eyes of his. My fingers curl into balls in my lap. It’s hard, but I resist the urge to trace the lines of his face. If I did, fingers swooping over every hard line and dip of his tanned skin, I wouldn’t want to stop.

His call to August is quick, and I shiver at how the still damp clothes stick to my prune-like skin.

His arm slides around my shoulder and he pulls me to him. “You cold?”

“A little, but more wet than anything else. I look like a drowned rat.”

He rests his cheek against the top of my head, and in a low and thoughtful tone, he murmurs, “You’re nothing but beautiful to me.”

All air whooshes from my lungs. I pull from his embrace and look up at him, unsure I heard him correctly. Glancing down at me, eyes heavy and smoldering, he licks his lower lip. In response, I shiver as if his tongue just skirted my bottom lip.

He leans in closer, his nose brushing mine, and everything inside of me seizes, held in suspension, in anticipation of his kiss.

He’s going to kiss me, isn’t he?

I so want him to kiss me.

Just then, Alvin opens the driver door, unaware he’s interrupted or broken the spell. “Let’s go on in. Harv’s coming down.”

Once inside the garage, though warmer and drier, the cloying smell of gasoline hangs thick in the air. Harvey isn’t a woman and not in the least bit attractive. His skin is pale, and it has nothing to do with the cold rain. He’s stick thin, bald, with glasses as thick as a hockey puck that sit low on his long, pointy nose.

“We’re closed for the day, but I’ll take a look first thing in the morning.” His grease-stained fingernails scratch his shiny head. “From what Alvin tells me, it sounds like it could be an electrical power issue or something to do with the fuel system.”

“How long will it take to fix?” I wrap an arm around my middle, wishing I was in anything but these cold, damp clothes.

“Hard to say.” He sniffs and rubs his nose with the back of his hand. “Car ain’t domestic. Depending on what’s wrong and if we need parts—”

Tom nods as if totally okay with this delay. I stare at a framed service guarantee by the register on what was once a white wall, now closer to brown, and grimace.

We guarantee fast service. No matter how long it takes.

My driving companion follows my gaze and chuckles. None of this is funny, and I’m not okay with this delay. Or maybe I’m just cold, wet, and hungry. Not a good combination.

But this realization doesn’t stop me from saying, “You need to look at the car first thing tomorrow. We’re on a tight schedule.”

Sadly, my tone leaves no doubt that I’m demanding not asking. Alvin huffs while Harvey shakes his head, eyes downcast and mouth a firm line.

Tom turns to face me, eyebrows climbing to his hairline. “It’ll be okay. Worse case, we’ll get another car. I’ve already texted Gus and told him what happened.”

“If we can get another car, let’s do it tonight.”
