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After we’ve cleaned up and gotten back into bed, Tom cups my chin and looks down at me. “So we probably should’ve had this talk before having sex...”

I tense, and my stomach sinks like a stone into my toes. Is this where I get the “whatever this is between us is only sex” talk?

“What talk?” The words sound thick and heavy to me, and I hear a strange buzzing in my ears.

“I can’t speak for you, but once we get back to Toronto, I’d like to see you again.” He licks his lips and dons a lopsided grin. “A lot.”

Heart racing, I draw back to study his features for any signs that I heard him wrong. “You would?”

He nods. “That is if you want the same.”

“Um. Uh, yes.”

Laughing, he lightly pinches my chin. “Why did your yes sound like a question?”

“I don’t know. I—”

Putting me out of my misery, his mouth claims mine in a furious rush that leaves me breathless and desperate for more of him. I’ve still got questions and doubts, but Tom wants more of us like I do. For now, that’s all I need to know.

We kiss and kiss, and at some point, we fall asleep.

* * *

Aphone buzzes. It isn’t the first or second time, more like the fifth time in what feels like a minute but could be an hour. I groan and grudgingly contemplate looking at the wretched thing. But that would mean abandoning the solid warmth of Tom’s body underneath mine. My stomach churns in revolt of that idea.

At some point during the night, I planted myself on top of him, arms and legs wrapping around him like ivy. He didn’t seem to mind. Not when his fingers dug in to my backside and waist, anchoring me to him.

I’m not a cuddler and don’t like sharing a bed with someone. But apparently that applies to everyonebutTom.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

The phone—no, not just any phone—myphone vibrates. Again.

I don’t want to move or face the world. Last night was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, and if it was all a dream, because it was too good to be real, I don’t want to ever wake up.

As if reading my thoughts, Tom slides down so his head is almost level with mine. He bends toward me, and his husky voice vibrates against where his soft lips press into my collarbone. “You don’t have to get it, you know.”

“I don’t want to, but whoever it is, they’ve been trying for almost the past hour.” I kiss the top of his blond head and roll toward the side table.

The countless notifications on my phone glare at me like Margot often does. Apparently, I so readily disappoint her. A lot. Or more like my father and she’s just the one to deliver the good news.

I scroll through what looks and feels like an assault and pause on a notification for a missed call. The phone number stings like the jab of a knife.

“Who is it?” His hot mouth sucks on a breast, and this yanks all those nasty notifications right out of my head.

I gasp, nearly choking on my breath as his tongue flicks and swirls around my nipple. The phone falls onto the mattress, and my hands rake down his broad, muscled back.

It would be so easy to ignore everything with what Tom’s doing to me. So easy…or not. Obligation, or is it guilt, pricks at my gut.

Most probably sensing that I’m wandering, no longer here in this bed with him, he ceases his adoration of my chest and looks up at me.

“Is it Felix? Your father? Mother?”

A disbelieving snort sails past my lips. “You got it. All three.”

My lips mash together as his face blurs with the tears gathering in my eyes. I can’t bring myself to dwell on the fact that my father choosesnowto finally reach out to me.

All my messages and texts to him went unanswered, and now, when I’m resigned to being ignored and closer to not giving a fuck, he breaks his silence. There are also numerous texts from my mother and two from Felix. But the missed call—that’s my father and he left a message.
