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“Leighton, it’s up to you. This might seem foreign to you, seeing as you’ve been robbed of having a say or the chance to choose. But when it comes to us, whatever it is we have or want to have…you get to decide what you want.”

I tilt my body forward and press my lips to her forehead. It takes every ounce of willpower to end the kiss. To keep my arms at my sides instead of wrapping them around her and holding her tight.

Her dark eyes meet mine, and I gift her what I hope is a warm and reassuring smile. “I’ll text you the address. I hope to see you there.”

Halfheartedly, I step back, fairly certain she doesn’t want me touching her, let alone kissing her. Not here where I’m thehelp.

A twinge of frustration or regret causes an ache in my chest, and I rub at the center, suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of emptiness. Before I can get too far, she grabs my arm to stop me and pulls me toward her until we’re almost chest to chest.

“I’ll be there.” Her lips softly brush mine before she whirls on her heels and races back to the house.

When I arrive at ACE, after the car is squared away, I saunter toward the building to see if Gus is still there. Of course, he’s still here. My phone pings as I pull the handle of the main door open. It’s a social media notification. A post on Leighton’s main account.

Fuck me.

It’s not even been two hours since I left her. She’s changed into a black, rhinestone-encrusted evening gown that sculpts her body like a second skin. She’s dazzling. But I can barely revel in her beauty when my stomach sours at the company she’s keeping.

In the picture, Leighton’s in the middle, flanked by her father and, on her other side, none other than Felix Thorpe. His arm wraps protectively around her slender waist, and the three of them smile brightly for the camera.

I’m not a jealous guy and will trust anyone at their word unless they give me a reason not to. But in this instance, my fingers grip my phone like I want to smash it. I finally understand the phrase “seeing red.” Felix touching her, so close and cozy, makes me want to roar like a caged animal.

* * *

“I’ve never seen you this nervous.” Eden elbows me in the ribs and I grunt, trying hard to block her out along with everyone else.

Matt’s restaurant is filled with friends, family, and several culinary industry bigwigs. While this evening is a trial run and an opportunity to celebrate his upcoming nuptials to my sister, it’s also about business. Both Matt and Sam, his mentor and world-renowned chef in his own right, are making the rounds and working the room.

“Not nervous. I’m waiting for Leighton.”

“Ah, yes, Leighton.” She sips from her wine glass.

“Leave him alone. We haven’t forgotten what you were like before you and Walker got together.” Gus waggles a finger at our friend and I laugh, appreciating the save.

“No fair.” She pouts. “I thought you were on my side. Why don’t I leave you two alone to bond or catch up or whatever it is you do.” She winks at us and leaves.

Gus stands next to me. “You okay?”

“Sure.” I stare down at my phone, tapping on it to light the screen where Leighton’s text from nearly three hours ago taunts me. It’s now ten o’clock.

Three little words and it was enough to give me hope. To think she might show tonight. And now, I’m not so sure.

Leighton: See you soon.

“Is she coming?” August glances down at my now dark phone.

“Wish I knew. She said she’d try but who knows, maybe it was just a good time.”

“Didn’t sound like it when you talked about her.”

Gus listened to me offload about the trip and Leighton the second I got to his office. I told him everything. Well, the important parts—not how fucking amazing Leighton is in bed. And how I can’t stop thinking about her even though she could be with that asswipe, Felix, right now.

And Gus, the best friend that he is, didn’t once put on his businessman, owner of ACE hat. He could’ve told me how out of line I was to sleep with a client and how I could’ve jeopardized his business—all true. But he didn’t. Instead he commiserated with me and gave me hope.

I snort. “You mean when I complained about how overbearing and difficult she was?”

“Yeah. You don’t waste your time on jerks or let anyone ruin your good time. With Leighton, I could tell she got to you. You cared what she thought and why she acted the way you said she did.”

I grab two colossal shrimp as a waiter floats by with a tray of appetizers. “Since when did you get so observant?”
