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There was no problem picking up my ticket to tonight’s premiere or getting here on time despite the traffic. Surprisingly, I scored a tuxedo for tonight even though it meant running around town to find one to rent. The only problem I face is I can’t get anywhere near Leighton.

The bald beast raises one barely there eyebrow at me. “No.”

I stiffen and gape. “No, what?”

A line of celebrities and other film industry bigwigs, some I recognize and most I don’t, wind their way along the red carpet. Most stop for the cameras as they make their way into Roy Thompson Hall, home to Toronto’s Symphony Orchestra and tonight’s venue for the screening.

A barricade runs down along the edge of the curb on Simcoe street. It keeps the crowds on the cordoned-off street and well back from the talent and guests. Even still, chaos reigns. I can barely hear myself think, and the flashing lights and shouts of celebrity names and questions only add to the madness.

“If you’re here with Ms. Price then why aren’t you there?” His head flicks in the direction of Leighton, her father, Felix, and another woman who I assume is Margot Price. She looks a lot like Leighton.

It’s a good question and one I don’t have an answer to, but I still try again. “We came separately. I had to pick up my ticket.” I wave it in front of his stone visage.

The man stands there, expression blank, as if I’ve said nothing. Leighton now moves farther away from where I am, and my breath stills when she hesitates to gather with her father and the others for a group photo.

She scans around her, even glancing over her shoulder in my direction. It’s as if she’s looking for someone. Is she looking for me?

I raise my arm and wave, even call out her name, but nothing. She stares into a sea of people, and I doubt she can see me, let alone hear me. The gigantic man in my way deliberately shifts to my left, blocking Leighton from my view.

“C’mon. I’m her date.” I don’t like the pleading tone to my voice, but I’m desperate and would do pretty much anything to get him to let me pass.

At this, he relents a bit and turns to peer at the Price group. He snorts and shakes his head before moving a little more to my side to ensure we both have a view to the same thing. If nothing else, I feel like a liar.

Felix wraps an arm around her and leans in close. From this angle, I can tell he’s kissing her, but I can’t tell if it’s on the cheek or lips. Godammit. To make matters worse, Leighton doesn’t move away or better yet, hit the asshole.

“Doesn’t look like she’s with you,” the giant taunts beside me.

She’s standing there, all glitz and glam, next to the pompous movie star and her parents. All cozy and happy. But I’m not fooled. When Felix shifts, I get a better look at Leighton’s face. There’s no vibrance, no life in her eyes. Why does she continue to lie to herself?

The security guy nudges me. “You need to leave, buddy, or we’ll remove you.”

My determination withers and my shoulders sag. Leighton and I might want the same things, a chance to be together, but I can’t make her break away from her father’s influence and hold. She’s the only one who can walk away. Stand up for herself.

I spin away from the red carpet, and more specifically, Leighton. I thought my invitation tonight was an indication that she was moving past his wishes and expectations.

Now I’m not so sure why she invited me if she didn’t intend to wait for me or have me escort her into the hall. Or did she think my presence wouldn’t be good enough to get her parents to back off? Did she change her mind? Or was this her way of giving me a slap of reality instead of letting me down face-to-face?

No, Leighton wouldn’t have shied away from that even if it was something she wouldn’t have enjoyed doing. I need only think of all the times during our drive that she stood up to me.

If only she had the nerve to do the same to her father.



My father turns to face the doorway and stops when he sees me. A wide, happy smile splits his face, and my knees wobble at the genuine joy in his expression. His arms stretch out wide, and he makes a sweeping motion for me to come near him.

“Honey. Leighton, you’re absolutely beautiful.” His warm, smooth palms glide along my cheeks as he cups my face and plants a kiss on my forehead. “I’m so glad you came.” He says it like I had a choice, and we both know that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

I should be rankled by how he acts as if I’m not doing this against my will. If it were anyone else, I would be livid and would want to set things straight. But this is my father and I only have one.

“Dad, you’re looking pretty suave yourself.” I brush at the lapel of his tux. “You ready for your big night?” He chuckles and settles in beside me, arm around my waist.

I can’t speak my mind. Not right now. I tried earlier today, and even broached the topic of skipping the premiere altogether but failed. Even though I’d invited Tom and meant it when I’d said that I wanted him to meet my parents, I didn’t want to go.

Tonight is about my father and Felix, and even as I think the movie is brilliant and deserves all the praise, I’d be deemed nothing but selfish and difficult if I tried to rock the boat. To get what I want tonight of all nights.

And right now, more importantly, my father is elated at seeing me. Suddenly, the past many days and weeks of neglect and heartache melt away. My wishes and desires no longer feel dire. I can deal with it all later.
