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My whole body twitches and heats with happiness. Life is spectacular. My entire family and closest friends are all here, under one roof at Drew and Pip’s cottage, and I’ve got my girl by my side.

Out by the water’s edge, Claire glows like an angel with heart eyes only for Matt as the two of them dance to James Bay’s “Wild Love.” Less than two hours ago, they tied the knot on the deck, decorated with fairy lights, candles, and white gauzy stuff. They were going for a wintery theme because it was winter at the cottage when they got together.

Pippa fills Leighton in about her pregnancy, and Drew, the proud papa-to-be, beams from ear to ear. Since returning from New York for the wedding, they’ve talked about nothing but the baby and how they’re moving back home after this year’s NFL season is done.

“The little one is going to adore me.” I gently rub at my sister’s barely there bump. “I’ll be his favorite. Just sayin’.”

My mom hip checks me and wraps an arm around Pip. “Not a chance. I’ll definitely be the favorite all-around. Favorite grandmother at least.”

Drew snorts and cocks his head to one side. “Sorry, Sin, my mom’s going to give you a run for your money on the grandma front.”

Dad chuckles as Sam and Olivia—as if her ears were ringing—join us. Before anyone can stop them, our mothers roll up their sleeves and vie for top spot.

“Great, look what you’ve started.” Claire sidles up next to me. “You’re always starting trouble, aren’t you?”

Leighton giggles at my sister’s ribbing, Matt shakes his head at me in mock disappointment, and Drew chimes in with a question directed at me. “Who said we’re having a he?”

Paige pushes into the small gathering with her husband, Zach, behind her. “Oh my God, you’re having a boy?” She glances expectantly at her best friend.

Pippa groans and rolls her eyes at me. “Tom, stop talking.” Then she pulls Paige into her side. “We don’t know the gender and we’re keeping it a surprise like some people we know.” Her singsong “I know something you don’t know” voice stops all the smaller side conversations among us.

Zach narrows his gaze on Pippa. Aunt Olivia nears her daughter as Eden and Walker join our group. What am I missing? Is something going on with Paige?

The woman in question mashes her lips together and dips her gaze to her mom, then Zach before swinging back to Pippa. “I think Tom’s not the only one who needs to stop talking.”

Paige scans our group. “Zach and I are also expecting. I’m only a few weeks ahead of Pip at three months. Our babies are going to be best friends.”

Everyone offers congratulations and other exciting comments while Eden gnaws at her bottom lip, nervous. “Walker and I have been talking about it. I think I’m ready.”

Walker pulls her into him and there’s squeals all around—mostly the women—and I cringe at the high pitch. Leighton smiles at me, then at Pippa and Paige before joining in on some of the chatter.

I wrap an arm around her, so glad she easily fits in with my family. In the month since Chicago, we’ve been inseparable. She’s loving her job at the Raven Mission though she has an upcoming flight to New York that she’s anxious about.

While I’ve offered to go with her, since I can do my work with ACE from anywhere, she wants to do this alone. For the past several weeks, she has undergone intense therapy to face her fears. She even got on her father’s jet a few times for flights to Montreal and Ottawa as part of her aversion therapy.

Overcome with the need to have her to myself, I quietly pull Leighton away from the crowd. But not before I catch Matt staring at my sister like he wants to knock her up tonight. I shudder at the thought. I do not need to think about Claire and Matt, or any of my other siblings or friends, in that way.

Leighton takes my hands and glances over her shoulder at the group we just left. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I only wanted to get you away from there before they scared you away with all that baby talk.”

She slides in front of me to stop me from walking any farther and wraps her arms around my neck. “Scare me away? You sure you don’t mean scareyou?”

“Me? No way.”

She laughs and rests her forehead on my chest briefly. “You’re too funny, Tom. Don’t think I don’t know marriage and baby talk are two things to send a man running for the hills.”

My hands latch on to her waist and I hold her tight. “I’m not running anywhere. In case you’ve forgotten, we’re moving in together in two weeks. If that doesn’t say commitment, I don’t know what does.”

Not long after settling into our jobs, Leighton at Raven and me as a partner in ACE, we started looking for rentals but soon decided we wanted to buy. We got lucky and found a place close to Matt and Claire and bought it. The closing is soon, and while Leighton’s parents tried to talk her out of it, saying we were moving too fast, they didn’t sway her in the least. Like she said, Leighton’s set boundaries with her parents, not something she’s verbalized to them but more for her sanity.

Her lips press to the tip of my chin, and then she tilts her head farther back to look up at me. “I know you’re committed. I have no doubts. How do you feel about all this baby talk?”

“I think it’s great. My sisters and friends are crazy happy, as they should be. And just think, one day that’ll be us.”

Leighton gapes, eyes rounding in surprise but not in a scared way. More than ever, we’re both sure of this life we’re creating together. “I love thinking about us and kids. But more importantly, I like that you’re thinking like that.”

I kiss the tip of her nose. “And why wouldn’t I be? You’re stuck with me.” Playfully, I pinch her side. “Now, let’s go get a drink. I’m thirsty.”
