Page 21 of Damaged King

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“Not exactly. But I’m always prepared for the unexpected.”

Even though I couldn’t see it, I could tell she rolled her eyes as she spoke. “I’m not surprised.”

“You know, you could be a little grateful I’m helping you.”

From the corner of my eye, I could see the glare she threw me as she swiveled in the seat.

“Grateful, no. Thankful, maybe. But let’s be honest. You need to get to New York as much as I do.”

I grimace. “You heard that.”

“I heard a lot. So yes, I’m thankful you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. But let’s not go so far as to suggest you’ve really gone out of your way to help me.” I opened my mouth to counter, “With the exception of your father’s urging you to.”

I swallowed anything I could have said because she was right.


“What’s that?” she asked, sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

“We had a rocky start—”

“That’s an understatement.”

I lifted a hand. “Let’s just get through this. I get you to Grandma and I get to my new job. Deal?”

She hooked her pinky finger around mine, surprising me. “Deal.”

Just as quickly, she removed her hand from mine as if she’d been burned.

For the rest of the drive down the mountain, we said nothing. I pulled as close to the curb as I could with snowdrifts rising like mini hills on the side of the road. Lucky for me, the road was virtually empty.

I opened my door and held out a hand again, which she rebuked with her blank stare. So much for making a clean start.

“It’s going to be tough getting out that side,” I said.

I got out and waited as she scooted across. We eyed each other a second before she extended a hand, realizing she needed my help after all.

The smirk I threw at her had to be blinding. She blinked before gazing heavenward while fighting a smile.

“Can’t fight it, can you, Highness?” I said.

She stepped down and let go quickly once she was steady on her feet. Each time she did that was a reminder that touching her was something I was beginning to crave.

We navigated the icy pavement and made it to the door in one piece. The bell above the door jingled as we opened it. The air was almost as frigid inside as it was outside.

One of the few single women in town came bouncing in the open area with frosty blonde hair as if on cue.

“Grant. Sorry it’s so cold, but we were closed. I only opened for you,” she said, in an unmistakable flirty tone.

She stopped on her toes when she noticed I wasn’t alone.

“Oh,” she said as Jolie remained just as still at my side. “I thought…”

Before the situation could become more awkward than it was, I said, “Thanks, Stacy.” I pointed to Jolie. “She’s a client. She needs some gear.”

“Oh,” Stacy said. That time the one-syllable word sounded far friendlier. “Tell me what you need,” she asked, throwing a huge smile toward Jolie.

“A coat, boots, thermals, a pair of jeans, and a sweatshirt if you have it,” I answered for her.
