Page 44 of Falling for Leanne

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“Are you ready?” Aaron asked.

“Come on in, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, fixing my ponytail in the bathroom mirror.

He opened the door, Will gurgling happily on his daddy’s shoulder. I put my hand out and rubbed our son’s back. It was going to be my first day back at work full-time, and my first day at the helm of the new location of A+ Fitness. I was running the show, and I was ready. I just hated to leave our little boy. I bit my lip.

“Come have some breakfast when you’re done,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

I followed them into the kitchen and sat down at the table. There was a manila envelope on my plate. Puzzled, I looked at Aaron.

“Mommy doesn’t know what’s going on, does she, buddy? But we do, don’t we? Yes, we do,” he said, and he settled Will on his lap in the curve of his arm.

I slid papers out of the envelope, a thick stack bound with a paperclip and on top was a note on Hamilton’s letterhead about the final articles of partnership being enclosed. I flipped that page back and saw legal documents where I was listed as the co-owner of A+ Fitness LLC and all subsidiaries.

“What? Are you serious?” I asked, baffled.

“I haven’t been this serious about anything in a long time,” he said with a smile.

“Aaron, this is your business, that you built on your own. We’re not even married,” I protested.

“Yeah, about that,” he said.

Carefully, he slid out of the chair and down on one knee, keeping baby Will tucked in the curve of his arm. “Show Mommy,” he said to our son.

Aaron took Will’s fist and held it out to me, opening his tiny fingers to reveal a diamond ring clutched in his hand.

“Oh my God, yes!” I squealed, laughing and crying at once. I jumped to my feet and Aaron stood up, slipped the ring on my finger and took me in his arms. Will cooed as we embraced and grabbed a handful of my ponytail merrily. Aaron kissed me gently.

“Since you didn’t even give me a chance to ask you the question,” Aaron teased. “I’ll take that as a yes. Do you hear that, Will? Mommy’s going to make an honest man out of me.”

My dream job, a gorgeous, healthy son, and a charming fiancé I loved more than anything. My life was perfect, and I couldn’t wait to see what the rest of it entailed.
