Page 22 of Sellout

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I turn toward Parker, who is grimacing as he looks at his younger brother.

“Carson, give Henley some room, okay?” Parker says, his voice taking on a softer tone.

Carson looks up at me, still not backing up. “Why do you smell different? What are you?”

Whatam I?

I’m beginning to think that isn’t a coincidence.

“Carson, enough questions,” a deep voice says from behind us.

I turn around and see an older man walking into the room. My father follows behind him.

This must be Parker’s dad.

Parker’s dad—Adam—is about the same height as Parker. He’s kind of good looking for an old guy. Parker looks a lot like him. When he smiles, I see the similarities in his expression.

“Henley, right?” he asks, reaching out a hand to shake mine.

I shake his hand to be polite. “Yes. You’re Mr. Thorne?”

“Just Adam,” he says. “We’re so happy to have you come over. Daniel has told us a lot about you. I’m only sad that we couldn’t meet you when you were younger.”

I glance toward my dad.

He’s kept in touch with him? How is it that I’ve never even heard their names before?

I feel somebody tug my hand. I turn around and see Carson standing there.

“Do you want to sit by me?” he asks, smiling widely at me.


Parker cuts me off. “She’s sitting by me, little guy.”

“She can sit between us.” Carson grabs my hand and tugs me toward the table.

I glance over my shoulder at Parker. He shrugs at me, not knowing what to say.

Dinner is just as chaotic as I expected it would be. There is never a lull in the conversation. Most of the time, the kids are yelling over each other. And Carson keeps leaning closer to me andsniffingme. He’s told me at least five times that I smell ‘really good.’ I’m not sure what to make of the whole ordeal.

Mrs. Thorne, or Amanda, made gumbo. Apparently it was my grandmother’s recipe, though I’ve never had it before. I’ve never even heard stories about her, even though she raised my father. But the food is incredible, unlike anything I’ve ever eaten before.

The best part is hanging out with Parker’s family. His family is wonderful. It makes me wish that I had siblings. It’s always just been Dad and me, but this is nice. I like the chaos.

When dinner is over, Lucy comes over to me and gives me a hug. It’s completely unexpected. Not knowing what else to do, I hug her back.

“Can Henley move in with us?” Lucy asks, letting go of me to turn and face her mom.

Amanda laughs. “She has her own home to live in. Besides, don’t you think we have enough people in this house?”

Lucy shakes her head. “She can share a room with me.”

She’s so sweet.

“You can come to visit my house anytime,” I tell her. “My house is really quiet though. You might get bored.”

Her eyes brighten. “Parker can bring me.” She looks at her older brother. “Right, Parker?”
