Page 46 of Sellout

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My phone vibrates again. This time, Parker is calling me. I ignore it, stuffing my phone back into my pocket. A few seconds later, it vibrates again. I don’t bother pulling it out. Parker knows that I’m okay and I don’t feel like talking. He will just insist on me telling him where I am so he can come get me.

Knowing what I do about wolf shifters, I should’ve realized that I wouldn’t make it far. I hear a vehicle pull up behind me. I glance over my shoulder, seeing a familiar red Jeep. I try to keep walking, but when I hear his door shut all my resolve crumbles.

I can’t be mean to Parker. He’s been so great to me and has done nothing to warrant my bad attitude.

I stop and turn as he walks up beside me.

“You’ve walked three miles.” Parker shakes his head at me. “Why didn’t you just wait for me?”

I shrug. “I just didn’t want to go back to class. Besides, the walk was nice.”

“You shouldn’t walk by yourself,” he insists.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “I walked by myself in New York all the time.”

Well, maybe notallthe time. My dad wouldn’t let me go more than a few blocks away from our penthouse, and only if I texted him frequently. But Parker doesn’t need to know that.

“Will you let me give you a ride now? Or are you going to make me walk seven miles with you?” he asks. He stands up straighter, like he’s actually preparing himself to walk seven miles. And he would do it.

“I’ll ride with you,” I say.

“Good.” He pulls my backpack from my shoulder. “Come on.”

As I follow Parker to his Jeep, my chest aches when I think about how perfect he is. He’s so kind and gentle—exactly what I want out of a potential boyfriend. But he can never be that. Even if he doesn’t meet his mate for another five years, we can’t be together. He should wait for his mate.

A dark shadow passes over me, so I look up and see a black cloud covering the sun. Just as I get into the passenger side of the Jeep, it starts pouring down rain. Thunder rumbles in the distance.

“I didn’t think it was supposed to rain.” Parker starts the Jeep, adjusting the speed on his windshield wipers.

I shrug. “The weather in this town hasn’t exactly been predictable since I got here. Thunderstorms seem to pop up out of nowhere all the time.”

He furrows his brows but doesn’t say anything.

We head toward my house, Parker switching his gaze between the road and me. He has a look on his face that I can’t quite read as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel. He turns his blue eyes to me once more and clears his throat. Before he says anything, he presses his lips firmly together and glances back at the road.

“What is it?” I ask, knowing he needs a push to tell me whatever he wants to tell me.

He sighs. “I talked to Will and Blaine.”

I nod. “Ah, they told you about our conversation today? About soulmates?”

“Yeah.” He frowns.

“Don’t worry,” I tell him. “I get it. You’re waiting on the one wolf shifter girl that fate intended for you. Clearly, since I’m not a wolf shifter, I’m not her. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right?”

“Friends. Right. Yeah, of course.” His frown deepens.

More than anything, I wish I could read his thoughts right now and know what he’s thinking. But my favorite part of Parker isnotknowing.

I sigh, glancing out the side window.

We remain quiet for the rest of the drive to my house. As we drive, I can’t help but think I should ask Blaine if he’ll give me a ride instead. Or Will. I think putting up with his moody disposition would be better than whatever this is with Parker and me. It hurts too much to be around Parker.

I swallow hard as I realize, it hurts to not be around Parker. Not just because without him, the voices are loud. But because I miss him when he’s not there.

When we get to my house, I reach for the door handle.

“Don’t you think you should wait?” Parker asks.
