Page 60 of Sellout

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There is something different about him.

Parker tugs me closer to him.

“That kid is different,” I comment.

Parker nods.

“But he’s not part of your pack, so is he a different kind of supernatural?” I ask.

“No. He’s a wolf shifter.”

I raise an eyebrow. “How can he come to town if he’s not part of your pack?”

Parker sighs, pulling me to a stop outside my next class. “Other wolf shifters are allowed to live in this town. They just can’t come onto pack land without permission. Only pack is allowed on pack land.”

“But Dad and I live on pack land and we’re not pack. Dad’s human and I’m… whatever I am.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, watching Parker.

He raises an eyebrow. “Your dadispack, Henley. He’s a wolf shifter. He left, but he called my dad and asked to rejoin. You guys moved here right after.”

“What?” My heart races so loud I can hear it in my ears. “My dad is a shifter?”

“Yes,” he answers. “And since your dad is pack, you are too. Because you’re his kid. If you were human, you wouldn’t be allowed.”

But I still can’t get past the fact that my dad is a shifter.

How did I not know?

“I’ve got to get to class,” Parker says, as the bell rings. “Blaine is in there, waiting.”

I nod, finally turning to walk in, but I feel numb.

My dad has known that I’m not human, but he’s never said a word to me.


He’s not your friend.

All I can think about for the rest of the day is the fact that my dad isn’t human.

I grind my teeth together as Parker and I walk hand in hand toward his Jeep. How could Dad have known the truth about me and never said one word? He knew how difficult things were for me. Maybe if he said something…

Parker opens the passenger side door to the Jeep. “Are you okay? You seem upset.”

“I’m fine.”

He motions toward our hands. “You’re kind of cutting off circulation to my hand because you’re squeezing it so hard.”

I let go of his hand. “Sorry. I’m just upset about my dad.”

“Want to talk about it?”

I lower my head. “No, but I also don’t want to go home.”

Parker nudges my chin with his hand so that I’m looking up at him. “You’re mad at your dad for not telling you that he’s a wolf shifter, right?”

“Yeah.” I lick my lips.

He glances down at my lips and takes a deep breath before looking into my eyes again. “Isn’t it a little hypocritical for you to be mad at him for not telling you the truth? You haven’t told him about you either. I know he should’ve told you, but he has his reasons for keeping it a secret. Just like you have reasons for not telling him.”
