Page 8 of Sellout

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Lucky. She gets to sit by Will and Parker. They’re so hot.

Will, Parker, and Blaine seem oblivious to the fact that every female in this school is practically in love with them.

I bet Henley has a boyfriend.

I turn to face the boy on the other side of me and shake my head. “No. No boyfriend.”

His face pales.

Did I say that out loud?

I close my eyes, turning to look forward.

I just answered his thought. That was incredibly stupid.

When I open my eyes again, Will has those brown eyes on me. His head is cocked to the side as he studies me, like he’s trying to figure me out.

During class, I focus on keeping my attention on the teacher and try to ignore the thoughts of those around me.


…wonder if…



…nefarious three…


“Henley.” A hand goes down on my shoulder.

I jump, looking up into blue eyes. “What?”

“Class is over.” Parker points around the room where other students are gathering their things. “I said your name five times. Are you okay?”

I nod, pushing myself up. “Sorry. It was loud. I couldn’t hear you.”

At that, he cocks an eyebrow at me. “Loud?”

I don’t bother with a response. I just grab my backpack and put it over my shoulder. I slip past him. As I walk out, I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t dare peek back at him.

Parker Thorne is going to be a problem—the kind of problem that I’ve never had before. I don’t crush on boys. Ever. It’s easy to never crush on a guy when I know every thought that goes through his head—cute boys suddenly seem less appealing when I know what they’re thinking.

But Parker… he’s quiet. I can’t hear one single thought. Not even a whisper.

As I go into my last class of the day, I’m disappointed that Parker isn’t here, but I do spot Blaine and Will at the back of the room. The teacher puts me directly between the two of them.

As I walk toward them, it’s funny to see the difference in their facial expressions. Blaine’s blue eyes seem to light up and a smirk plays at his lips. Will rolls his brown eyes, his lips turning downward.

“Hey, Vixen,” Blaine says.

“Stop calling me that. My name is Henley,” I mutter under my breath, not bothering to even turn to look at him.

Will turns to look at me, his eyebrows drawn together.

I want to ask him what he’s thinking—a foreign concept to me, but I decide not to ruin the moment by speaking. He gives me a slight nod of his head and then turns his attention forward.
