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He cuts me off. “A latte, I know.”

Devin no longer cares if people are watching. If he wants to be affectionate in public, he will. He bends over, kissing me gently on the lips.

“I know you very well.” He traces his thumb down my cheek.

Even before Devin decided to allow himself to be with me, he paid a lot of attention to me. I was surprised by how much he knew about me when we barely even talked.

When I arrive at the table, Blake and Ember don’t even look up as I slide into the seat across from them. They’re too busy looking at one another to notice me. I can feel the love and affection in their emotions. It warms my heart to see them so happy. They loved each other, even before they found out they were mates. It killed me to see how unhappy they were staying away from one another.

A girl sitting beside me sighs. I glance over and see her watching Blake and Ember. I don’t have to read her emotions to know exactly what she’s feeling. She wants to meet her mate too. All the wolf shifters do. Even before I had a mate, I was jealous of the bond between soulmates. I always wished that dark fae had mates. Meeting Devin was a dream come true.

The girl sees me watching and smiles. “Maybe I’ll be next—to find my mate.”

“I hope you are,” I tell her, fully meaning the words.

“Thanks,” she says, her smile widening. “I’m Olivia. I’m in Devin’s pack.”

“I think I remember seeing you when I visited at Christmas,” I say. “You have a lot of younger siblings, right?”

She nods. “My parents have had three sets of triplets. You’d think they’d stop having kids, but my mom is pregnant again. Just one this time, though.”

My eyes widen. “Just how many siblings do you have?”

“Twelve,” she answers. “But soon to be thirteen.”

“Wow,” I say.

I hope Devin doesn’t want thirteen kids because I’m not sure I could handle that. I know he wants children, but we haven’t exactly talked about how many.

“Don’t worry. Most wolf shifters don’t have thirteen children,” she says as if reading my mind.

That does make me feel a little better, but I know wolf shifters typically have a lot of kids. Blake has seven siblings and Ember has six brothers. Then again, Devin and I are young to have children. We can wait a few years after we’re married and just enjoy being mated to one another. Monica had the right idea about waiting.

Devin’s tray goes down beside me. Well, it’s more of a platter really. He slides the coffee over to my side.

“Thank you.” I take a sip from the latte. Olivia turns and starts talking to another girl, so I turn fully to Devin.

“You’re anxious.” Devin raises an eyebrow at me.

“Olivia told me that she has thirteen siblings.” I grab a sandwich from his pile.

One corner of Devin’s lips turns up into a smirk. “Are you worried I’m going to want to have thirteen children?”

I shrug, then nod. “Kind of.”

He chuckles. “No. Not thirteen. Maybe three or four.”

Okay, that definitely sounds more reasonable.

Devin glances at Ember and Blake, then at me. “They haven’t even noticed we’ve sat down, have they?”

I can’t help but smile. “They’re in their own world.”

Devin grins too. “Your eyes are bright blue.”

“Because I’m happy.” I have a lot to be happy about. Sure, there are a lot of things going on right now that are kind of crappy, but they’re outside of my control. I can’t help what my father does. But I refuse to let those things get me down.

He kisses me on the cheek.
