Page 37 of Fighting Fate

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As I’m putting my phone into my pocket, Hunter walks up, looking at his own phone.

I groan. “Do you have to read everything?”

“Yep.” He stuffs his phone into his pocket. “I’ve got to make sure you’re not planning to sneak off without me.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s not annoying at all.”

He just grins. “So, we’re going to a party tonight, huh?”

I nod and we walk toward the parking lot. “Apparently there is a party every night this week. Liam just told me about it.”

“Are we going every night?” Hunter asks. I can hear the dread in his voice.

I laugh. “Probably not. Parties aren’t really my thing. But Liam really wants me to go tonight, so I will.”

When we get to the SUV, Hunter opens the passenger side door for me. “I don’t have to dress up, do I?”

I shake my head but grin.

Tonight should be interesting.

Thor’s hammer.

I chew on my fingernail as I pace the living room.

My heart won’t stop racing as I think about what I’ll be doing tonight.

Meeting Griffin feels like a really bad idea. Itisa bad idea. Mostly because, while Griffin has genuine feelings for me, I’m busy crushing on my bodyguard. Aren’t I leading him on? And what if Griffin tries to kiss me? He got close last time we hung out, but I backed away from him. How many times will I back away before Griffin catches on? Or, worse, before Hunter catches on?

Romance in high school is way too complicated, especially when I consider the fact that I have other things to worry about. Like the hit on my life. This shouldn’t even be a thought.

“Out with it.” Hunter shuts the lid on his computer, turning his full attention to me.

“Out with what?” I ask, feigning innocence.

He relaxes back onto the couch. “You’ve been pacing the floors for ten minutes straight. And you’re chewing on your fingernail, which you only do when you’re really nervous about something. Talk to me, Trouble.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Maybe it’s none of your business what I’m nervous about. It doesn’t have anything to do with hitmen or Spy School.”

He pats the spot on the couch beside him.

Hesitantly, I walk over, taking a seat beside him. He angles his body toward me.

“Please talk to me, Cove. What has you so nervous?”

I let out a breath. “I don’t want to kiss Griffin.”

I can’t believe I just admitted that out loud to Hunter, but it’s too late to take it back now.

Besides, IknowHunter. He would bug me about this until I eventually spill the truth. It’s better to just admit it now and get it over with.

Hunter furrows his brows. “I thought you liked Griffin.”

“I did. Ido. I just think that maybe I don’t like him as much as he likes me.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, looking away from Hunter. “And I don’t like him like a girl should like a boy that she’s talking to. I don’t want him to be my boyfriend.”

It’s embarrassing to have this conversation with Hunter. This is a conversation I should be having with Harper. And I would, except Hunter won’t let me go hang out with her by myself. And if I text her, Hunter will read the entire conversation anyway.

Hunter puts a hand on my arm so I do look up, my heart skipping a beat as I look into his green eyes.
