Page 79 of Fighting Fate

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The guy in the passenger seat curses.

I turn around, seeing a red sports car chasing us. Ithasto be Hunter. He’s going to save me.

My heart soars.

I’m going to be all right.

The guy moves the gun away from me and points it out the window, aiming at Hunter. Since neither of them are focused on me, I make my move. I grab the steering wheel. The guy fights me as the car swerves back and forth over the road.

“Stop doing that,” he yells.

But the guy in the passenger seat is focused on shooting at Hunter’s car. I used my right arm to knock the guy in the head. I do it a couple of times until he passes out.

I’m going to have to thank Hunter for showing me how to knock somebody out later.

But the car doesn’t slow down as we approach the closed gates of the school. I pull on the steering wheel hard to the left, running us off into the ditch.

I feel a sense of weightlessness as the car topples over. I try to hold onto the seat, but I am tossed around the car. I hit something, maybe the roof, then immediately hit something else, possibly the floorboard. This happens a couple of times before the car comes to an abrupt halt. When the car stops, my head hits the window hard and the world fades for a second. I force myself to open my eyes. I cannot pass out right now.

I hear one of the guys grunt from the front seat. A moment later, I hear gunshots. Not knowing what to do, I climb to the door, forcing it open. It’s then that I realize the car is upside down. I crawl out onto the ground, feeling disoriented from the crash.

I take a deep breath through my nose.

I’m on the ground and I’m right side up now.

Forcing myself to stand, I try to take off running but I end up stumbling onto my knees.

Maybe I should just crawl.

On my hands and knees, I crawl as fast as I can, trying to get away. But before I make it far, I see a pair of shoes directly in front of my path.


It’s Hunter.

I look up, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay?” Hunter lifts me from the ground and begins to carry me. “I need to get you to a hospital.”

“I’m fine,” I tell him. I close my eyes, feeling dizzy from the movement of him carrying me toward his car. “What about the guys who tried to kidnap me?”

“They’re dead. I have a cleanup crew on their way to take care of the mess,” Hunter tells me. He opens the passenger side door of the red sports car and puts me inside. “You’re not fine. You’re bleeding from the head.”

“I am?” I put a hand up to my throbbing head and am shocked when I see red on my hand. “I feel fine. Just dizzy from the crash.”

“Or dizzy from a concussion.” He shuts the door, rushing around to the driver’s side.

I buckle my seatbelt as he takes off. The gates open for him. Once on the road, he drives way too fast. I close my eyes.

“You should slow down. I don’t want to puke,” I tell him.

“Cove, are you okay?” Hunter asks.

I open my eyes and see him glancing between the road and me. “I’m fine, Hunter. Just have a headache, but that’s it.”

He snorts, shaking his head. “Just a headache.”

“Won’t they ask questions at the hospital?” I ask. “I can’t just walk in with a head wound.”
