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For a “terrible” cook, Logan makes damn good spaghetti. Rainey and Maggie clear their plates. I go back for seconds, praising and thanking Logan for preparing dinner. Cooking isn’t something we fleshed out as part of our roommate arrangement. He has dinner in progress or waiting when I walk in the door from work most days. The meal quality is sometimes questionable, but I never say a word. I’m grateful he’s here and cares enough to make the effort. A little effort goes farther than words or grand gestures ever will.

I lay in bed and try all of my best tricks to fall asleep, but they’re not working. The feeling of Logan pressed against me keeps me awake. I’ve been fighting back thoughts for the last two weeks of how attractive he is, how considerate he is, and how much I enjoy his presence. He might not have started out my type, but everything about him is becoming my type.

A warm heat builds between my thighs and I resist the urge to release it. Those charcoal eyes, kind and genuine, dance around my mind. I love the way his glasses are always sliding down his nose, and he’s forever pushing them back into place. And the damn plaid shirts he practically lives in. I want to steal one to sleep in.

Fighting my desire proves fruitless, and I slide my hand down my plump belly, over the dips of my hips, finding the spot demanding my attention. I press my fingers slowly and rock them back and forth. Heaven. The only thing missing is Logan’s hand between—nope. I cut off the thought and reprimand my mind to focus on the building pressure and pleasure.

The intrusive thought of Logan hovering over me, his chest brushing against my breasts, thrusting me past the edge and into a delicious swirl of heat and waves, won’t be ignored. I bury my face into my pillow and pray it stifles my moans.

Chapter 24


Itrywithallmy might to ignore the sounds coming through the wall next door. The pillows I shove onto either side of my head help, but not enough. Does Noah realize I can hear everything through her paper-thin walls? Whoever built this place should have sprung for better insulation.

Images of Noah helping herself to an orgasm flood my mind. I shove them away only for them to creep back. Thoughts of another woman, in that detail, haven’t crossed my mind in a very long time. A longing for my wife—late wife, I correct myself—overcomes me as I remember how it felt when her body curled into mine.

When I awaken early on Saturday morning, I remember my dreams. They were a disturbingly sexy mixture of Hannah morphing into Noah, lying nude on my bed. I’d studied the swell of her breasts and her plush nipples. I’d swooned over her slightly rounded belly, a glorious sight to me. I pull the covers over my head, realizing the dream was sickeningly sinful, but my raging erection refuses to go away. Even through my numbing sadness of losing Hannah, a part of me wants Noah.

Paul’s words—about not letting people who my decisions don’t affect not dictate my next move—surface for a swim. I have to get us out of the house today. I can’t be in close quarters with Noah—myroommate—with these feelings making themselves so well known.

Sure that Maggie and Rainey are still asleep down the hall, I Google cheap things to do in the area. A few of the typical results come up, mostly in Newport or Cincinnati. I hoped to find something closer to home that would allow us to explore Alexandria more.

The last search result I click is the reservoir park. The four of us have been there a few times, so I start to exit the page, but the word ‘hiking’ catches my eye. Maggie and I hiked a few easy trails in California together before her mother passed. She loved it. I didn’t know this small town had hiking options, but there’s a half mile out-and-back trail with an easy rating. Maggie will love this surprise. I hope Noah and Rainey might want to join us, too.

I’m up and almost through my first cup of coffee when I remember Noah saying pancakes are Rainey’s favorite food. I’m the only one awake, and feeling ambitious, I search for a recipe online to make pancakes. We have all the ingredients, so I give it a chance. I burn the first two, but I reread the directions, adjust the heat, and the pancakes are now coming out of the pan perfectly browned. And they’re done inside—I double-checked.

Rainey’s the first to wander down for breakfast, and she’s thrilled by the tall pancake stack. In the time I’ve spent with Rainey, she often surprises me with the things that bring her joy, things Maggie takes for granted because she’s never known life without them. Like Nutella and sprinkles on her pancakes, which Rainey can’t believe is possible.

“How would everyone feel about a surprise trip today?”

“Where do you have in mind?” Noah looks up at me from her half-eaten plate. I can’t look her in the eye right now without blushing, so I answer while looking at my daughter.

“Nope—it’s asurprise. Can’t tell you. It would defeat the surprise part.”

“I LOVE SURPRISES!” Rainey shouts, unaware, or not caring, about how loud she is.

Everyone rushes upstairs to get ready, as I finish loading the dishwasher. Noah shouts down from the top step, “What should we wear? Is there anything in particular I should get out for Maggie or Rainey?”

“Tennis shoes and a jacket.”

The girls beg the entire drive to the reservoir park for me to spill the beans, but I hold firm. When my SUV pulls into the parking lot, the disappointment from the back seat is audible.

“This isn’t a surprise, Dad. We’ve been here before.”

“Trust me.” I turn and look at Maggie.

We locate the start of the hiking trail, but Maggie and Rainey can’t yet read the trailhead sign. Noah reads it and looks at me suspiciously.


“We’re going hiking?” Maggie interrupts excitedly.

“Yes, and yes. What do you think?” I ask Noah.

“I’ll try it, but you might have to carry me back down this trail.”

“The Lower Dam Trail’s an easy one. It will be great for the girls.” She nods when I pause. “We’ve spent a lot of our time together at home—me looking for a job, Maggie and Rainey playing, and you . . .” I lower my voice as we start up the trail, “I know you’re going through a lot. A day outside seemed nice.”And I need the air after what I heard last night.
