Page 39 of Truth & Lies

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I’m woken up early the next morning by a loud thumping on the door. We’d obviously shifted during the night, my leg now hooked high over his thighs and the rest of my body draped over his.

The knocking starts up again just as my phone in my purse buzzes. Easing myself away from him, I move toward the edge of the bed but I’m stopped when Barrett’s arms tighten around me. Looking over my shoulder, I meet sleepy eyes gazing over at me with a lazy smile.

“Where are you going?” he rumbles.

“There’s someone at the door.” My gaze drops to his lips as his tongue darts out to wet them and I feel my body swaying toward his.

"I'll get it," he replies, giving me a quick closed-mouth kiss and then rolling off the bed.

Facing the door, I watch as he stands and walks toward the door, pulling it open to be met by Detective Manning and Aiden standing next to her. I can’t stop the shocked gasp that escapes me.

“Shit,” Barrett spits out, his head switching between the two of them.

“Surprise, fucking surprise,” Aiden growls, looking past Barrett to glare at me.

Detective Manning steps forward, obviously getting a read on the situation and knowing she needs to take control before an all-out brawl breaks out. “Calm down boys. I’m just here to update Ms. Jacobs on her mother’s whereabouts.” Hearing her mention my Mom, I spring into action, jumping off the bed and rushing to Barrett’s side.

“You found her?” My voice breaks.

“May we come in?” Detective Manning asks, notablynotanswering my question.

Barrett wraps an arm around me, not hiding the fact that he’s staking his claim clear as day. “Why is Lawrence here? This iswayout of his jurisdiction.”

“Marlee is an old colleague of mine,” Aiden replies tersely.

“That doesn’t explain jack shit.” Barrett shoots back, the tension in the air ramping up ten-fold yet again.

“I don’t owe you anything, asshole.” Aiden slices his narrowed gaze to me. “I knew you’d come looking for your mom,” he says by way of an explanation, ignoring Barrett completely.

“Boys, put your dicks away,” Marlee warns them but I’ve had enough. All I care about is where my Mom is. “Special Agent Lucas, I presume?” she asks, holding out her arm and shaking Barrett’s hand. “Detective Lawrence had concerns about Ms. Jacobs’s safety and since we used to work together, he decided to pay me a visit. When I advised him I was coming to see you,” she says, looking my way, “I asked if he wanted to come. Had I known it would not be a welcome visit, I wouldn’t have brought him along.”

"It's fine. Please come in," I offer, pulling Barrett back from the door. He pulls me back to his side and holds me there. A pang of guilt hits me as Aiden looks between us and up to my face. He grits his teeth as he moves into the room and closes the door behind him and Marlee, moving to stand next to her.

To her credit, Detective Manning reads the room, taking in the two men’s aggressive stances before looking at me with a wry smirk before schooling her features.

“My mom?” I ask, trying to get this whole situation back on track.

"Yes, we were able to get in contact with her late last night at a spa retreat in Wyoming. It's one of those digital detox ones where phones are not allowed but I expect you'll hear from her soon. She is due to return to Vegas later today."

My body slumps into Barrett, relief sweeping through me. I bury my face in his shirt as his hand strokes up and down my back. “I’m . . . I’m sorry. I’m just so hap . . . happy,” I mumble against his shirt.

Barrett gives me a gentle squeeze. “Glad she’s okay, Lys.”

I lift my head and look up. “Me too.”

Aiden clears his throat and when I turn his way, I find his eyes narrowed sharply on the two of us. “Now, I’ve gotten my answer, I can go,” he grouses. He shoots me one last scathing look and wrenches the door open before angrily storming out of the room.

“I’ve got to go after him,” I say, stepping out of Barrett’s grasp. He tries to stop me but something in my expression must warn him off.

“Kitten,” he growls and I spin around, my hands going to my hips.

“Think about howyou’dfeel if you were in his shoes and it washisarms around me, Barrett. He deserves an explanation.” A muscle in his jaw jerks but when his shoulders slump and he takes a step back, giving me a reluctant nod that I know must cost him, I know my point has hit home.

I rush out the door, running down the corridor to where Aiden is standing at the elevators, jamming his finger on the call button.

I reach him just as the doors open. “Aiden, please stop!”

He turns and the hurt in his eyes hits me like a sucker punch to the chest. “Aly, just leave it.”
