Page 9 of Truth & Lies

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This time I roll my eyes at his smooth comeback. "Every time I ask you something about yourself, you shift the conversation back to me. I'm starting to wonder why someone would do that. Have you got something to hide, Mr. Matthews?"

“You’re an intriguing woman, Alyssa. I can’t help wanting to know everything about you.”

I quirk a brow, studying him and looking for any sign of deceit. I haven't become a successful female CEO in a male-dominated world without being able to tell when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

But he meets my stare head-on, not wavering for a single second. The confident swagger the man has is going to be my downfall. There’s just something about the man that affects me.

“Shall we eat?” he asks. “I promise to stop my inquisition and just enjoy the company of my gorgeous date.”

Lifting my champagne flute to my lips, I take a bigger than normal sip and close my eyes, letting the carbonated liquor do its job.

Maybe Iambeing unfair? This is simply a dinner, not a deep dive into the life of a man who turns me on and will—hopefully soon—deliver on his dirty promises.

For the rest of the meal, whenever we're not talking, he watches me. My skin feels electrified under his gaze. It's like he can see right through me. Sparks shoot through my body like wildfire and the longer he does it, the more I fight not to squirm in my seat. And there's no doubt in my mind that he knows exactly what he's doing to me because he keeps rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip and chin like he's studying me, observing every single quirk and tell I have. It's unnerving and arousing all at the same time.

Once we’ve finished our meal, Barrett places his cutlery down onto his plate.

“That was delicious,” I say, following his lead.

“It was. They recruited the best Michelin starred chefs from around the world for the two restaurants here.”

“More attention to detail,” I murmur, reaching for my glass and cradling it in my hand.

“What’s that?”

I wave my hand in the air. "The attention to detail in this place is beyond anything I've ever seen before. Like I know they had the most prolific architects design the building, but the branding and everything else issoon point. It’s pretty surreal.”

“Hmm. One could say the same thing about having a romantic dinner for two in the glass prism rooftop of the newest, hottest hotel on the Strip too.”

My lips tip up. “Touché, Mr. Matthews.”

“So tell me, Lys. Whatisa beautiful woman like you doing in Sin City by herself? It’s safe to assume you’re single and available—although I don’t know howthatis possible.”

“He tells me he wants to do unspeakable things to me andnowhe wants to know about me,” I murmur, earning a chuckle from Barrett.

I take another sip of my champagne just as Kyle approaches the table and makes quick work of clearing away our plates.

“That mouth of yours will get you in trouble one day,” Barrett says when we’re alone again.

“Oh, it gets me into trouble frequently—just not with stalkers who give me the kind of date most women can only dream about.”

Something flashes in Barrett’s eyes as the words leave my mouth. This man is so hard to get a read on. When he’s flirting, it’s easy. The rest of the time, not so much.

He quickly schools his expression and that cocky knowing smile of his takes its place. “What can I say? I wanted to make a good impression.”

His words have a multi-sensory effect, warming me to the core while also calming me and putting me at ease. It also gives me the confidence to tease him right back.Two can play this game.I run the tip of my index finger around the rim of the glass and look slyly over the table.

Barrett quirks his brow at me. “So in answer to my question…?”

“My mom lives here, and my soon-to-be stepfather flew me in so that he could propose to her. I’m meeting them for lunch tomorrow.”

"Congratulations," he replies, tipping his glass and finishing the last of his drink. "We could've said a toast for them."

“In between eye-fucking each other over the table?”

“I’m not going to stop what I’ve been doing ever since you walked out of the elevator,” he retorts unapologetically. “You’re a very captivating woman, Alyssa Jacobs.”

“And you’re a very confident, charming man, Barrett Matthews. Some might say too much so. Maybe we should play a little game of twenty questions? Then I might be able to find out more about the man I’m dining with.”
