Page 49 of Does He Know?

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“Where are we going?” I ask, when he passes the turn that will take us to his place.

His hand is resting on my thigh, and he gives it a soft squeeze. “I’m taking you on a date.”

“A date?”

“Yeah, this is more than just keeping you naked in my bed, baby girl.”

“We can’t be seen out together.”

“I know. Trust me.”

“Do I get a hint?”

“No, baby. No hints. Just sit there and look like your sexy self. We’ll be there soon.”

Fifteen minutes later, we’re pulling down an old country road. “What is this place?”

“It’s the backside of my grandparents' place.”

“So, we’re not going to be arrested for trespassing?”

He laughs. “No, baby girl. We’re not going to be arrested.”

“Hey, it was a legitimate question. What are we doing here?” I doubt he’ll tell me, but it’s worth a shot.

“I know we can’t be seen out together, but I wanted to take you out anyway. I know you’re leaving in a few days, and I don’t know, Em. I guess I wanted you to have this memory to take with you. The distance is going to be tough. We’re hiding this, which I hate, but I didn’t want you leaving thinking that you’re just a secret to me. I need you to understand that I know what I’m risking. I know the risk that you’re taking to be with me, and I guess I just wanted us to do something a normal couple might do.”

“Roman Bailey, are you a closet romantic?” I tease, to ease the seriousness of the conversation. I have to because when you have a man like Roman spilling his heart out to you, you either lighten the mood or cry, and I can already feel hot tears prick my eyes.

“I wouldn’t go that far. Besides, I’ve never cared enough until now, so it’s not that I’m a closet romantic. I’m an Emerson romantic.” He flashes me a cheesy grin. “It’s all you, baby girl.” He taps his chest, right over his heart. “I feel you here, and I don’t know what to do with that. I hate that you’re leaving when we’re just starting to figure us out, and I want you to know that I’m in this with you. There is no one else for me, and there won’t be as long as we’re….” His voice trails off.

“What are we, Roman?”

“We’re just us, Em. I don’t want to label it and add pressure when we’re both already under enough for hiding this from our friends and family. We can’t hide this forever, but you need to concentrate on school and graduation.”

“You think we’ll still be us at my graduation?” I feel insecure asking the question, but I’m also not one to back down from facing the hard times. The only way I’m going to know where his head is at is to ask him.

“I’d like to think so. I know that hiding what I feel for you for that long seems almost impossible. All we can do is take this one day at a time.”

“This might be our last night together before I leave.”

“What? Why?”

“Forrest asked me earlier why I keep staying at Monroe’s when we usually split our time. He misses me.”

There is just enough light from the dash of his truck for me to see his throat bob as he swallows hard.

“Then we need to make this the best night.” He leans over the console and kisses me softly. “Stay put. The grass is tall. I’ll come around to get you, but I need a few minutes.”

“Okay.” There isn’t a single thing this man could ask of me that I would deny him.

A few minutes later, he’s pulling open my door. “I’m going to carry you.”

“I can walk.”

“Work with me here, baby girl.”

I nod, and he lifts me from the truck and into his arms. He manages to push the door shut with his hip. When we turn, I gasp. “What is this?”
