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“Just trying to make the best out of a shit situation, I guess. I never imagined I would be here with you, but you’re turning out to be not horrible company.”

“That’s a compliment coming from you.”

She flashes me a bright smile as she grabs another piece of paper and reads the question. “What makes you smile?” Her eyes flit toward the ceiling while she tries to find the perfect answer. “The sun shining after a thunderstorm.” She nonchalantly tosses her paper with the rest.

“Why’s that?”

She ponders her answer for a moment. “The sun is something warm and bright, so when it comes out after a storm, it seems to take away all the bad and replace it with something good and it’s comforting.”

“Never thought of it that way, but I like it.” I reach over and grab a piece of paper. Unfolding it, I read it to myself, but not liking the question, I decide to take this game in a new direction. I look down at the words scribbled in pen then look up into her hazel eyes meeting my green. “Kiss the other person in the room.”


You’re a cuddler?


I’m stunned. Is that what’s written on the paper? Because I didn’t write that, so he must have. But he wouldn’t write that. Why would he write that? “You’re such a liar. It doesn’t say that.” I stretch my arm to grab the paper from him, but he’s faster.

“You didn’t have to write kiss me on a piece of paper to kiss me. You could have just done it.” His eyes crinkle in the corners as he continues to hold the piece of paper away from me.

I have to admit after seeing him shirtless last night, waking up snuggled against his chest, and then seeing him in just a towel this morning, I did want to kiss him. But I chalked that up to this dry spell and it could have been any guy, not just Seth. Clearly, my vagina doesn’t know the difference. “I didn’t write that. You must have.” A smile tugs at my lips. This time I pounce on him to get closer to the paper. But he’s still faster. I swing my leg over his hips so I’m straddling his waist as I continue to reach for his hand. I use my knee to pin one of his hands as my body squirms on top of his. Both of us laugh at the ridiculousness happening right now. Suddenly, in one swoop, I’m flipped onto my back as I release a playful squeal. Seth hovers over me, his lips a hair’s breadth away from mine.

“It’s your rules. I’m going to kiss you. If you don’t want me to, just say the word.” His warm breath from his words skate over my lips.

My eyes search his, curious if he’s actually going to kiss me. Because right now, that’s the only thing on my mind. I lift my chin so my lips are just slightly closer to his. The movement an invitation and one he willingly accepts. His lips crash down to mine. My hands grip his biceps, needing to feel grounded. His tongue traces the crease of my lips, seeking entrance. I open, greeting his tongue with mine. My legs wrap around the back of his thighs and tug him closer so his body rests on mine. The bulge in his pants presses into the apex of my thighs. Thrusting upward, I grind myself against him and he releases a deep groan from the back of his throat. I do it again, knowing it drives him wild. Our tongues continue to caress one another’s, slow and seductive. We continue grinding against each other like a couple of inexperienced teenagers. God, he makes me feel sixteen again. I can't get enough of him.

His hand skates across my bare stomach where my shirt has ridden up. His light touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through my body. He pauses, unsure if he should continue his journey upward. I moan and grind against him, giving him the encouragement he needs. His lips find my neck and he places a soft kiss there. The tips of his fingers roam up my torso until they reach the underside of my bra covered breast.

Suddenly both our phones start rapid fire dinging with message after message. Seth rests his forehead on my shoulder and mumbles, “Cock blocked by the phone.”

“Sounds like we got service again.” Seth slowly sits up as he drags his hand from under my shirt. Instantly, I miss his warmth. Once his hand is free, he tugs my shirt back down to cover me up. I sit up, resting on my elbows. “I guess we should let everyone know we’re okay.”

Seth runs his hands through his unruly hair. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

We both spend the next few minutes answering text messages and returning phone calls.

“I called the tow company. They can be here first thing in the morning to pull the car out and we can get back on the road,” Seth says as he sits on the bed.

I look up from my phone. “Okay. That’s great.” A part of me is sad we’ll be leaving our motel bubble. I don’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard.

“Hey, are you hungry? Shall we see what we can wrangle out of the vending machine?” Seth stands up and walks toward the door to slip on his shoes and jacket.

I give him a tight nod and hop off the bed to meet him by the door. He holds open my jacket so I can put my arms in the sleeves. “Thanks.” Briefly, I gaze up into his lust filled irises, making me believe he’s having the same thoughts as me, which are both of us naked and under the blanket.

We arrive back in the room with an arm full of snacks for our vending machine diet. I drop my haul on the bed and Seth does the same. We spend the next few minutes riffling through everything like kids with Halloween candy.

“I’ll trade you a Ho-Ho for the peanut butter crackers.” I hold out the Ho-Ho toward Seth.

Seth eyes the Ho-Ho and then the crackers. “Deal.”

“You thought really hard about that.” Seth tosses the crackers in my direction, and I catch them midair with two hands.

“I love these crackers.”

“Same. They’re my favorite.” I open the package and hold out two of the crackers toward Seth. “I’ll be nice and share.” The biggest smile lights up his face as he takes the crackers.

We sit and eat our buffet for several minutes until Seth breaks the silence.
