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“Thank you,” I whispered, closing the book in my lap. They both went back to talking between themselves while I sat there looking down at my choices. Neither of them was right. I knew that. I’d had a sick feeling inside of me ever since I asked for the two locations. I didn’t really want to go anywhere; I wanted to stay right where I was, in the arms of the man I loved.

I stood up and went over to them. “Do you have a moment?” I questioned.

Both the women looked at me and nodded.

“I think I need a new start. Yet, as I sit here looking through those books, my heart is screaming at me.”

Peggy and Trinity looked at one another and nodded. “What do you think that means?” Peggy asked.

I shrugged. I had no clue what it meant. I knew that I wasn’t ready to face it though. I wasn’t ready to learn what that meant. “I have not got a clue, but I’m not sure I’m really ready to hear it either.”

“My dear, at least you know you don’t want to admit it to yourself.”

I sighed. They were right, I didn’t. “Do you know if the inn is back open yet?” I questioned. Perhaps if I could just stay the night in a neutral environment, not one that was going to cloud my sight, it would be better.

“No, it’s not. I heard it was going up for sale, unfortunately. Why do you ask?”

I softly smiled. “Well, I figured maybe I’d stay there for the night. You know, to clear my head.”

Trinity looked over at Peggy, and both ladies turned to me. They’d seen me around town with Connor, at both the fall fair and the tree lighting. I wasn’t stupid; I knew they knew it had to do with us.

“Cadence, does this have something to do with Connor?”

That was it. His name was all I needed to hear. I’d held myself together for so long, and then they’d said his name. I buried my face into my hands and wept in the middle of the store, in front of two women I barely knew.

“Oh dear. Come sit down.” I felt one of them put their arms around me and guide me over to a chair. “Now, talk to us.”

A tissue box was again thrust at me, and I took a couple more, again blowing my nose and wiping my eyes.

“Gosh, I feel so silly,” I cried.

“Nonsense. We’ve all been through it. If these walls could talk, they’d tell you exactly that. So, tell us your story.”

I sat there in that small bookstore spilling my guts to two women I didn’t know. They each sat there listening as I shared with them the events that had led up to this moment. When I’d finished, each of them looked at me with tears in their eyes.

“Well, it certainly wasn’t a story I was expecting,” Trinity said, wiping her nose.

“No.” Peggy blew her nose too. “It’s certainly heartbreaking and beautiful.”

I looked at them both, eyes red, as they reached for a tissue as well. “What do I do?” I questioned.

“I can certainly see why you have the instinct to run. Only makes sense,” Peggy said.

“I agree,” Trinity answered. “It’s not the right thing, though.”

“What do you mean?”

Trinity grabbed the piles of books that I’d been looking at and put them back on the shelf. “Well, you ran once. I totally understand why you did. However, now, it’s different. I’ve seen how Connor looks at you, I’ve seen the way he treats you. I’ve also seen him when he was with Ella. There is a difference.”

“There is?” I looked over at Peggy, who sat there nodding.

“Yes, most definitely. Connor loved Ella, there was no doubt. However, the way he looks at you can’t compare. I can see the difference as well.”

“So, running isn’t what you need to do. It’s easier, most definitely. I think you need to speak with both Connor and Ella’s parents. However, if we know Connor, which we do, he has probably already voiced his opinion to them.”

“And he is probably on a panic-stricken search through town looking for you right now.”

“You think so?” I questioned.
