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“Someone is here,” I whispered.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU TOO LOVE BIRDS. NOW GET UP.” I knew my brother’s voice as his words echoed up the stairs.

“God, Connor, what if he heard us?” I whispered. I could feel my cheeks heating at the thought that my brother heard us in bed together.

Connor chuckled. “Then I guess it serves him right for breaking into another man’s house on Christmas morning. Perhaps before we get up we’ll take another round? What do you say?” he asked, tickling my side.

“My god, you are bad!” I screamed as I fought him off.

I quickly threw my T-shirt on over my head and slipped into my pajama pants that lay at the end of the bed. I felt Connor’s hand on the back of my head, his fingers threading through my hair. He tilted my head back, bent down, and brought his lips to mine. “I may be bad, but you love it.”

“I do.”

Silence fell between us as we looked into one another’s eyes.

“Merry Christmas,” Connor said quietly, kissing me again. “Let’s make this the first of many. Come, before he climbs those stairs and walks in here. I don’t want him to see inside this room, where I take advantage of his little sister.” Connor winked.

* * *

Connor had dropped me off to go and do a few errands while I walked down toward The Crispy Biscuit. I’d needed to come into town to get desert for tonight, for our New Year’s Eve celebration, and Connor had a few things to pick up at the hardware store. I pulled the door open and stepped inside the diner, immediately seeing Trinity and Peggy sitting in their usual spot. Both ladies waved, and I waved back, giving them a smile.

“Cadence, I’m glad you came in early. I was afraid someone was going to spot your box of pumpkin goodies on the back counter, hop over and take them.” Brooke giggled, grabbing the box. “Did you need anything else?”

“No, I think that should be good for the three of us.” I smiled.

“Oh, are you guys not coming down for fireworks tonight in the park?”

“Not sure. Gabe and Connor have mentioned nothing to me about it. Do you think it will be a big turnout?”

“Not sure,” Brooke replied as she sealed up the box and wrapped her signature pink ribbon around it, tying it in a neat little bow on top. “Well, if you do, make sure you stop in. We are taking up a collection for Bessy at the inn, and I know Gabe and Connor will want to drop by.”

Suddenly, I felt hands on my arms, and I turned to see Connor standing behind me. “What will I want to know?” he asked, smiling at Brooke and helping himself to a sample of a cookie she had cut up on a tray.

“Hey, Connor.” Brooke looked at us. “It’s not very well known yet, but Harry passed away last night.”

“Oh, dear god,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I looked up at Connor, who wrapped his arm tightly around my side.

“Bessy is moving out to the Willow Valley Retirement Home, and the inn is going up for sale in the new year. We are trying to take up a collection for her tonight, so we’ll announce that just before the fireworks start.”

“We’ll be here, Brooke,” Connor said, taking the box of baked goods from her.

“Looking forward to seeing you tonight. It’s going to be a hard one, again,” she said softly, smiling at us with tears in her eyes.

Harry and Bessy had been founding residents of the town and someone we’d all known our entire lives. Connor and I were quiet as we drove through town, right by the inn, before we turned on the road that would take us out to our farms.

As he drove, I sat there thinking of the last time I’d seen Harry and Bessy. It had been on another sad occasion when I’d returned for Ella’s funeral. They had opened the doors of the inn to me and had taken care of me while I’d stayed. Bessy had even sat with me out on the large front porch talking to me about life and loss. I hoped she would be okay without Harry.

It had been hard for me to return to Willow Valley. It had taken courage to face the things that I’d held onto for years. I’d been afraid of facing all the things I’d lost here. I’d been afraid of having to face my demons.

While I’d been here, and when I ran back to the Midwest to clean out my grandparents’ home, I searched within myself for forgiveness. I’d needed that time to let go of all the anger I’d felt toward Ella. I knew for Connor and me to be together, I had to work through not only the anger and jealousy I’d felt but also the guilt. I also knew I needed to let go of the hot coal I’d been holding onto for years. That only by letting it go would I heal.

Now, as I looked out on the snow-covered fields of Willow Valley, I realized I’d made the right choice. As hard as it was to face all the pain of loss, anger, regret, and jealousy, something wonderful had come my way.
