Page 36 of Endless Whispers

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For the first time in a long time she couldn’t answer that. She never really knew where she would be going next, but she knew she’d have someone else to help. Some other assignment to challenge her. Now she saw a blank page in her mind. Not one that inspired new adventures, but one that elicited dread. How could you want something to be over so badly and wish it could never end at the same time?

“But maybe you’re right,” Brenda sighed. “These oafs might be the ones who ruin everything if they can’t do what they’re told. I’d be open to whatever you’re proposing. You don’t seem squeamish about this. I like that.”

“Nothing rattles me,” Charlize said, shoving down the dread she was feeling. “I love a challenge.”



Charlize's return to the office after the tumultuous events of the day left her feeling drained and antsy. The adrenaline coursing through her veins during her lunch with the board members and the subsequent revelations had now dissipated, leaving her with a sinking sense of dread. But skill overrode emotions, and she knew there was no time to waste. She had information that would be enough to nail Brenda and the others. She wanted an update on Mick, Harry, and Rose. She wanted to know where the whole operation stood.

That would have to wait. Everyone had a job to do. Everyone had to be focused on their role and do their part. If not, there was no hope for success.

Sitting at her desk, Charlize meticulously compiled the digital files containing the recordings of the board members' admissions of guilt and their involvement in the illicit activities. She couldn’t risk having physical evidence, and utilizing company internet to send them was dangerous. But Carmen would act quickly. She’d action this and do what she did best. So while the risk was great, she had faith in her team.

As she began the process of securely sending the files to Carmen, her heart raced.

The office felt like a battleground. Charlize's desk was strewn with scattered papers, legal documents, and her laptop displaying the incriminating recordings. Outside her window, the city buzzed with life, unaware of the storm gathering within these corporate walls. It was so easy to ignore what was happening all around. There were statistics and the occasional sad story that would break on the news, but people mostly kept their heads buried in the sand, pretending there was more good in the world than bad. She missed the time in her life when she could believe that.

Just as the files were uploading, Charlize's phone rang, startling her. She quickly answered, recognizing Carmen's number. Her voice was hurried and anxious as she explained, "Carmen, I've sent you the files. It’ll be everything you need.” She wanted to ask about Mick. To know he was okay. But that was not her job right now. “What's the plan?"

Carmen's voice on the other end of the line held a note of urgency but also excitement. Something must have gone well. "Charlize, I've got good news. We've secured an agency willing to move on all the locations simultaneously. I've infiltrated the files of the real estate agent you tipped me off about. I was able to find all the shell corporations used by the nonprofit and get a list of the properties they own. I'm confident we've pieced together every location that needs to be hit at once.”

“Who’s going to do the raids? The local police? I’m worried now about who they might have on the payroll here and if they’ll get tipped off early.” Charlize was always good at plotting out the worst case scenario. A skill that came in handy on a job like this.

“We planned for that. You did a great job getting that donor list and all the names associated with the charity. I was able to narrow our best option down to the DEA. They have a vested interest in the drugs being moved from these locations. They’ve been trying to track the influx of pills into the area, and I provided them with enough evidence to warrant a raid on this group. They've assembled teams and are ready to move in as little as four hours after they receive the digital recordings incriminating the leadership of the nonprofit. That will give them the power to hit their offices as well. It should bring everything and everyone down at once."

Charlize's pulse quickened. The wheels of justice were finally turning, and there was hope on the horizon. However, she couldn't shake her concerns for the women and children involved. "Is the DEA aware that the women are not drug dealers but victims of trafficking? They should be liberated and offered support, not arrested and charged."

Carmen's response came with a reassuring tone. "That was established first and foremost. While they'll need to sift through the evidence, the DEA is approaching this situation with the understanding that the women are victims and prisoners, not criminals. We've ensured that other agencies will not be involved. We let them know that child protective services in the area has been compromised and they are willing to take the children into federal custody while it’s all sorted out."

Before Charlize could ask more questions or express her relief, her office door swung open abruptly. Two unfamiliar men, their faces hard and expressions menacing, stood in the doorway. Charlize's heart plummeted, and she felt the blood drain from her face.

"I'll call you back, Mick. I forgot I had an appointment. How about we catch up after dinner?" Charlize muttered hurriedly into the phone. “Don’t forget we have that appointment tomorrow with Dr. Shanson.”

That was a code. A word that would alert Carmen to her distress.

As she lowered her phone, Carmen's voice came through, tense with concern. "I’ve got it. I’m turning your tracking device in the seam of your shirt on. I’ll get a team to you."

Before she could finish her sentence, one of the men seized Charlize's phone, ending the call without hesitation. Panic welled up within her as she realized something had gone terribly wrong. Worst case scenario she’d been found out and the ripple effects to the women and children would be catastrophic. The DEA wouldn’t have a chance to move in and hold people accountable and save those who needed it. Charlize knew now she had to buy them four hours. Had to lie and hold out, and be convincing for at least that long. No matter what they did to try to make her talk.

Her mind raced with what she might have done. How she might have blown her cover. Brenda didn’t seem like that good of an actress. She wasn’t on to her at all as far as Charlize could see.

The men pulled her to her feet. An hour ago she couldn't help but dread what her personal future held, and a chilling thought lingered in the back of her mind—maybe she wouldn't have a future at all.

The room felt oppressively small as Charlize stood between the two imposing men. She tried to mask her fear, but her racing heart and shallow breaths betrayed her inner turmoil.

“What’s going on here?” Charlize demanded. “Don’t put your hands on me.” Acting stunned and filled with righteous indignation was her best play.

The larger of the two men, with a grizzled face and a cold, calculating gaze, spoke in a low, menacing tone. "You've been quite the little go-getter, haven't you?"

Charlize steadied herself, her voice unwavering despite her fear. "I don't know what you're talking about. Where is Brenda, does she know you’re here? Let me go, or I’ll scream."

The second man, younger but no less intimidating, smirked. "Don't play dumb. We've been watching you for a while. You've been poking your nose where it doesn't belong."

Charlize's mind raced, searching for a way out of this nightmare. She needed to stall them, keep them talking, and buy herself time. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The larger man leaned in closer, his breath reeking of stale cigarettes. "We're the ones who clean up messes. And you've created quite a mess."
