Page 149 of Blood Bound

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Church shrugs while wearing a wide smile. “It’s what my woman wants and what she’ll get, besides we won’t be gone that long and it will give you a chance to miss us,” he smirks.

“Our home will definitely be empty without you two; return whenever you want. You know the door is always open,” Gabriel says while embracing them as well. He then pulls Church to the side and speaks to him in Romanian before handing over a set of keys to him. Church nods and a glazed look crosses his face before he embraces Gabriel again.

“What’s that about?” I ask Xenia, who looks just as confused as I do.

“They’re having a broment from the looks of things,” she shrugs, then turns to me and Elijah. “I’m gonna miss both of you! I never thought a kid would grow on me, but yours just crawled into my heart and made it his home.”

I can’t help but feel touched by her words because I know she’s not really one for kids. “We’re going to miss you too, Xen! Send loads of pictures and keep in touch before I go crazy here on my own!”

“You’ll get annoyed by all the pictures, I fucking promise that,” she grins, then hugs me again. “I’m happy, Kat; for the first time ever, I feel completely content and happy with what I have.”

“You deserve it, both you and Church,” I say, kissing the side of her head and fighting back the tears threatening to fall. “Hurry back, okay?”

She nods and when I feel her warm tears hit my shoulder, that’s it for me. Xenia doesn’t easily cry, she’s not a crier at all, but right now she’s setting off all the wrong feels and we both end up bawling.

It takes us all of ten minutes to compose ourselves, to the amusement of our men. After cleaning up our tears, they pick up their luggage and bid us farewell. My heart constricts watching them getting into that vehicle, not knowing when I'll see either of them again. Gabriel and I watch as the SUV drives away, taking two pieces of our hearts with it.

“What did you tell him?”

Gabriel chuckles and offers me a wink. “That’s between him and me for now. But don’t worry, it’s nothing bad or anything to be concerned about.”

Not that I was worried, just insanely curious.

“They’ll be happy, right?” I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“As long as they have each other, they’ll always be happy. They complement each other so well, it’s actually quite amazing,” he says while wrapping an arm around me.

“That’s all I wish for them,” I murmur before Gabriel leads us inside to have dinner together.

Two of our closest people are leaving to venture out on their own, while the other two are preparing themselves for their eternity as each other’s Chosen. I can tell how in love Valentine and Autumn are. It’s such a beautiful sight to see. The way she looks at him is how I picture myself looking at Gabriel most of the time.

After fighting our attraction, to fighting each other, running away from our feelings, then our final admittance. Gabriel and I have been through so much to get where we are, and I know this is just the start of our future together.

Gabriel Priest, the elusive Pureblood vampire they sent me to kill, ended up being the one I was Fated to be with. Vengeance and hatred brought me to his doorstep and, with a simple touch, he washed it all away.

He gave me my humanity back. He taught me how to feel and love again; so much for a man who could only offer me his nights. I once thought he would be the death of me, but he has proved me so wrong.

I’ve always been blood bound to this man, and I can’t wait to see where we’ll go from here.
